Trade Representative said. The list covers about 1,300 tariff lines, the USTR said, referring to a system of codes used to categorize products.Andrew MayedaWorld Intellectual Property Report
1.(Commerce)commercechieflyUSa list of commodities not subject to tariffs 2.a list of people admitted free Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
"Certain products are being removed from the tariff list based on health, safety, national security and other factors and will not face additional tariffs of 10 percent," the Office of the U.S. Trade RepresentativesaidTuesday. The agency did not specify which items would be stricken from the ...
BEIJING, May 13 -- China announced Monday that it will compile and release a list of imported U.S. products eligible for exclusion from the additional tariffs after examining the applications of relevant interest parties on a trial basis. The exemption will be valid within one year after the ...
征税清单 tariff list征税清单 tariff list 请看例句: China announced on Wednesday a list of US products valued at $50 billion annually that are subject to additional tariffs as a reciprocal trade measure to safeguard its legitimate interests. Earlier, the US government rolled out a massive list ...
征税清单tariff list China announced on Wednesday a list of US products valued at $50 billion annually that are subject to additional tariffs as a reciprocal trade measure to safeguard its legitimate interests. Earlier, the US government rolled out a massive list of tariffs for $50 billion worth...
Related: China firmly opposes U.S. tariff proposals, countermeasures underway Xinhua Headlines: U.S. tariffs slapping game threatens global trading system Interview: U.S. "shooting self in foot" with protectionist steps Interview: Trump's tariffs on foreign goods wrong remedy for U.S. economy: ...
CHINA yesterday released a new list of 79 US products that will be exempted from the second round of additional tariffs on US products. This is the second list of US goods to be excluded from the second round of tariff countermeasures against the US Section 301 measure, according t...
China Keeps LNG off Tariff List - for Now China embroiled in festering trade dispute with United States even as Chinese imports of U.S. LNG expected to surge -Morgan Stanley(MS). China's omission of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its vast list of U.S. products that face hefty import...
of bankruptcy and other reasons, customs pre-approval needs to be obtained and taxes must be paid. If goods processed and manufactured with the zero-tariff raw and auxiliary materials are sold within the Hainan island or to mainland China, the import duty, import VAT and consumption tax shall...