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00050000101CFB00: [USA] Brave Tank Hero (Brave Tank Hero - Natsume Inc.) 0005000010141D00: [USA] Brawl Brothers (Brawl Brothers - Hamster) 0005000010141E00: [EUR] Brawl Brothers (Brawl Brothers - Hamster) 0005000010134B00: [USA] Breath of Fire II (Breath of Fire II - CAPCOM) 00050...
000500001010FF00: Game Party Champions 0005000010110000: TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 Wii U EDITION 0005000010110100: Nano Assault Neo 0005000010110200: WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Hyper(NA) 0005000010110500: Puddle 0005000010110600: Nano Assault Neo 0005000010110700: 007™ Legends 0005000010110800: Marvel Avengers...