In the heart of Mississippi, A Time to Kill unfolds, a legal drama with a backdrop of racial tension. Young attorney Jake Brigance (Matthew McConaughey) takes on a daunting case defending Carl Lee Hailey (Samuel L. Jackson), a black man accused of taking law into his own hands after an...
The Trees of Throop The Trial The Troll’s Heart The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk The True Tale of the Big Bad Wolf The Ugly Dogling or Last Chance Tuesday The Ugly Duckling The Unfortunate Teller The Unlucky Man The Velveteen Rabbit The Velveteen Rabbit The Village Witch The Vixe...
The following is a list of the various songs featured in the Donkey Kong Country television series. In all, there are eighty-two songs, two for each episode barring "Cranky's Tickle Tonic", "Orangutango", "Monkey Seer, Monkey Do", and "Message in a...
and the pop queen defended herself: “I was such a big fan of yours until I saw this. I write ALL of my own songs. Your hot take is completely false and SO damaging. You don’t have to like my songs but it’s really f—ed up to try and discredit my writing. WOW.” He late...
Country music is known for great ballads, and many of them are about death or dedicated to loved ones who have died. Song lyrics about death, dying, and painful loss have the ability to make us feel. We often feel an emotional connection to songs, particularly country son...
One of the most awarded singers ever, her powerful emotive delivery on songs like "I Will Always Love You" and "Greatest Love of All" solidified her as a global icon with timeless, unforgettable performances. Also ranks #1 on The 340+ Best Female Vocalists Ever, Ranked Also ranks #1 on ...
Blondie (197 songs to Hipgnosis), price undisclosed Chrissie Hynde (everything she did with The Pretenders to Hipgnosis), price undisclosed Air Supply (a portion of their catalogue to Primary Wave), price undisclosed Culture Club (a portion of the band’s p...
the artist, album, year and genre of all mp3 files of an album. linuxwave - Generate music from the entropy of Linux Mousai - Mousai is a simple application that can identify songs similar to Shazam. MusixMatch - A Capable lyrics app with synchronized lyrics function. OSD Lyrics - Show ...
EXECUTIONER'S TAX (SWING OF THE AXE) – LIVE Power Trip 14. Best Rock Song A Songwriter(s) Award. Includes Rock, Hard Rock and Metal songs. A song is eligible if it was first released or if it first achieved prominence during the Eligibility Year. (Artist names appear in parentheses.)...
Psalms of My People: A Story of Black Liberation as Told through Hip-Hop by Lenny Duncan (Broadleaf Books, Jan 02, 2024) Only for the Brave at Heart: Essays Rethinking Race, Crime, and Justice by Leon E. Pettiway (Meishin Press, Dec 14, 2023) Saxophone Colossus: The Life and Music...