1. A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation. 2. A kind; a sort: a new breed of politician; a new breed of computer. 3. Offensive A perso...
Your overall lifestyle is the key to living as long as possible. While there are certain things completely out of your control, such asgenetic characteristicsor accidents, certain lifestyle habits are generally recognized as factors you can control. In fact, it is possible for many adults to l...
Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Ask a question Search AnswersLearn more about this topic: Mammals | Definition, Characteristics & Examples from Chapter 18 / Lesson 2 66K See what is a mammal, including the characteristics of mammals and the ...
Since every NPC has randomly-generated personality characteristics, wishes, desires, and other quirks, conflict and disputes are bound to arise. Going Medieval Going Medievalsees you attempting to rebuild society in a world where 95% of the global population has fallen victim to rampant plague. ...
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are one of the largest biotechnology applications in the world and are of critical importance to modern urban societies. An accurate evaluation of the microbial dark matter (MDM, microorganisms whose genomes remain unc
Categorised list of freely available GIS datasets. Includes everything from administrative boundaries to population, and from terrorist incidents to global vegetation at the last glacial maximum.
Deep Rock Galacticis an online co-op shooter in which teams of up to four players control boorish dwarves as they mine their way through treacherous caves. Each mission sees you exploring vast underground biomes filled with extraterrestrial spiders and precious minerals and ore that can be collecte...
We evaluated the spatial patterns of threat on the basis of the real Red List threat assessment data against empirical data in two independent ways. First, we compared the probability of impact from logging and agriculture combined within forested biomes (that is, corresponding to remotely detected...
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One is reminded of intense heat, but the world's largest deserts are frigidly cold. So what really makes a desert? This flashcard set will give you the defining characteristics of a desert, different types of desert biomes, and the locations of major deserts around the globe. Additional ...