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Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Art & Ideas: Teaching with Themes (Coursera) ...
02/02/2018 - 📄 Best Practices for Modals / Overlays / Dialog Windows 07/02/2018 - 📄 Use these top 10 tips when you design for forms 19/02/2018 - 📄 Dropdown alternatives for better (mobile) forms 27/10/2018 - 😍 📄 UX And HTML5: Let’s Help Users Fill In Your Mobile...
University Teaching is an introductory course in teaching and learning in tertiary education, designed by staff at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. With input from instructors, guests and interviewee
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Modern International School, Bangkok is run along the lines of the Best School in the World’s educational practices. It provides a cutting edge academic programme with state of the art infrastructure and facilities for students from all over the globe. Students acquire an excellent education in ...
Success of virtual instructors has been linked to amount of prior classroom teaching experience in the traditional school setting, amount of training and professional development in online learning, degree of flexibility of the teacher to work with students, and a focus which is student-centered. ...
He has in-depth knowledge of the Metasploit framework and has a great way of teaching you all the things you need to know about Metasploit. I want to mention it there for everyone who is capable of speaking German, and I wish that there will be an English release of the book one day...
In order to improve the teaching level of the industrial design department and to train the students’ design practice ability, Chinese teachers often introduce enterprise projects into the classroom and carry out research on them. These research projects can be put into two categories. The first ...