Best Podcasts for Kids list! 上周在小花生网站看到Podcast的讨论,随手就贴了一段我正在写的《无痛鸡娃不完全大书》中的一段关于Podcast的列表。(此“书”仍在进行中,把平时看到、想到、关注到的一些看法、资源等等汇总起来,目前大约写了5万多字,成“书”时间未知。。) 小编私信邀我将其扩充为一篇完整的文章...
Over 600 fans have voted on the 40+ items on Best History Podcasts That Make Learning Fun. Current Top 3: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, Stuff You Missed in ...
Over 600 fans have voted on the 40+ items on Best History Podcasts That Make Learning Fun. Current Top 3: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, Stuff You Missed in ...
过渡期(7-8岁):开始接触非虚构内容,如Wow in the World的科学知识,或Tumble的科普节目,如《天文望远镜探索》。 高级阶段(9岁以上):推荐新闻类节目如Morning Kids的新闻摘要,或面向大童的语言学习节目如English in a Minute的词汇学习。 推荐播客软件与资源 除了苹果内置的播客App,第...
2023 saw a huge range of issues covered, from the decarbonisation challenge and geopolitical risk to maritime operations and shifting trade lanes. Below is our list of the best podcasts published this year.Lloyd s List
Season 1 WILD THINGS: SIEGFRIED AND ROY Season 1 WIND OF CHANGE Season 1 30 FOR 30 The Spy Who Signed Me A Queen of Sorts The Trials Of Dan And Dave The Birth of UFC Madden’s Game Heavy Medals Subscribe to our newsletter Send
Apple-Music-UI-Demo: Apple Music / Podcasts UI with custom view controller transition Screenshot 1 2024 swift ☆208 ARKit Example: Placing objects 2022 swift arkit ☆284 Backyard Birds: App with persistent data, interactive widgets, and an all new in-app purchase experience - WWDC 2023 sa...
If you haven’t dabbled with producing podcasts before, it might sound technical and intimidating at first. But with the right set of tools, you can easily start producing and growing your podcasts today. In this post, I’ll share the 13 best WordPress podcasting plugins you can use to ge...
The goal of this project is to provide Linux users with a dedicated client to download podcasts, with an emphasis on reliability and stability. Liferea Liferea is an aggregator for online news feeds. There are many other news readers available, but these others are not available for Linux or ...
Here are some of Stanford free certificate offerings: Podcasts: The Stanford Medcast, a biweekly 30-minute medical podcast. Each episode focuses on a new topic, often related to recent medical developments. For instance, recent episodes have discussed breast cancer issues including Breast Cancer Dia...