Right at the beginning of "The Tunnel", Clarence and Sumo are watching a TV at the storefront of a TV shop. A wrestling program called "Aww Snap" is being broadcasted. The fighter on the right resembles Mario, while the one on the left wears an purple hat with a "P" emblem, resemb...
[L] Leader of a group effort. Implies more than management. [T] Type-in program from a magazine or book [B] Written in BASIC. There's usually a quality gap between 8-bit BASIC games and those written in other languages. [N] Non-game software [U] Unreleased A Aaron, Robert [G] ...
"You say, 'What that?' I'm glad you asked! On Rock TV, friends, you can watch all kinds of wonderful shows!" "Great shows like...'Mr. Koopa's Neighborhood!'" "We've got the World Dinosaur Wrestling Federation!" "Okay, okay! Next time, we'll have the real thing. How about ...
For example, inThe Legend of Zelda, Link must find his way through eight dungeons to gather the scattered pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom. Once he’s collected all eight pieces and assembled the artifact, Link can enter the ninth and final dungeon to rescue Princess Zelda. Link uses a boo...
Neire- Rise of Empire (PBEM Strategy RPG- Fantasy Historical) New Blood Wrestling Federation (Wrestling e-fed) New Cold War (Diplomatic, military role playing game) New Columbia: Catalyst Chronicles (Metahuman PBEM) New Foundation Tabletop Guild. Saga, DandD, MandM (Tabletop) New Hope...
Weapons have limited uses and will disappear if the player is disarmed by an enemy too much or when the player moves to a new area. Final Fight consists of six stages or "rounds", as well as two bonus rounds. Each round takes place in a different section of Metro City such as the ...
The arcade phenomenon of out-voguing everybody on the dance floor with your smooth moves comes home to the PlayStation. The game includes solid grooves from Japan's dance sensation and you can shake it down to 28 popping tracks pulled from Konami's all-time best Dance Mania tracks. Mo...
Finishing Moves List (from USENET's rec.sport.pro-wrestling newsgroup) compiled, edited, and kept by Curtis "Chewbacca" Desjardins ( curtis@ophelia.waterloo.net ) now in the hands of: Scott Lacy ( slacy@mindspring.com ) at least until Curtis returns from Korea date created: September 13, ...
Lord of the Rings, (J.R.R. Tolkien's) The, Vol. I Lost Vikings, The Lost Vikings 2, The Lucky Luke Lufia & the Fortress of Doom Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals M.A.C.S. Basic Rifle Marksmanship Madden NFL '94 Madden NFL '95 ...
that characters can be thrown/hit into objects or parts of the backgrounds. A good example is when playing against Duke (sub-boss). Hitting him can sometimes send him into the picture of Shuko (boss), knocking it off thewall!Usual beat'em up round winning rules apply. All moves shown ...