TheGeneralServiceListisalistofthebasic vocabularyofEnglishinorderoffrequency.ItwasfirstcreatedbyWestin1953.TheversionusedherewasadaptedbyBaumannandCulliganin1995.Itcontainsalmost2,300words. Here,theGeneralServiceListisdividedintosmallersublists.Sublist1hasthefirst500words.Sublist2thenext500wordsetc. Sublist 1 Thi...
The-General-Service-List--英语常用词汇表 The General Service List The General Service List is a list of the basic vocabulary of English in order of frequency. It was first created by West in 1953. The version used here was adapted by Baumann and Culligan in 1995. It contains almost 2,...
TheGeneralServiceListisalistofthebasicvocabularyofEnglishinorderoffrequency.ItwasfirstcreatedbyWestin1953.TheversionusedherewasadaptedbyBaumannandCulliganin1995.Itcontainsalmost2,300words. Here,theGeneralServiceListisdividedintosmallersublists.Sublist1hasthefirst500words.Sublist2thenext500wordsetc. Sublist1oftheGe...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. alphabet The alphabet is the set of symbols known as letters that are used to form words. At its most basic, the English alphabet is composed of five vowels (letters representing speech sounds formed exclusively with an open airway) and 21 ...
内容提示: 无忧雅思网 助我越重洋 - 1 - The General Service List 英文最常用词汇表 The General Service List is a list of the basic vocabulary of English in order of frequency. It was first created by West in 1 953. The version used here was adapted by Baumann and Culligan in 1 995. ...
We will also compile a Chinese-Englishvocabulary listanddevelop tools for assessing the Chinese language standard of NCS students. 此外,我們亦會製作中英對照中文學習 字詞;發展中文評估工具以評估非華語學生水平。 ...
If the children have a strong command of the English language, they will be able to improve their reading comprehension skills in academic texts. Therefore, it is essential to learn the 8 letter words that comprise the basic bigger words in English and help strengthen the vocabulary and ...
18. she Answer: 19. south Answer: 20. south-east Answer: 21. south-west Answer: 22. street Answer: 23. thank you Answer: 24. they Answer: 25. we Answer: 26. west Answer: 27. yes Answer: Try the Quiz : Chinese (Simplified) Vocabulary Word List and Game : WORDS - BASIC...
The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in books that children read. These words are usually learned in first and second grade; students who learn these words have a good base for beginning reading. Many of these words cannot be sounded out because they do not follow decoding...
Examples of action verbs include “run,”“jump,”“eat,” and “write.” These verbs can be used in both the present and past tense. Related Vocabulary: Action Verbs in English with Pictures Linking Verbs Linking verbs, also known as copular verbs, connect the subject of a sentence to a...