In the heart-thumping movie Footloose, city teen Ren McCormack, portrayed by Kevin Bacon, finds himself in a tight spot in a small Midwestern town where dancing and rock music have been banned. Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow), the town's spiritual guide and law enforcer, stands as his...
2 of 2 | FILE - A display of banned books sits in a Barnes & Noble book store in Pittsford, N.Y., on Sept. 25, 2022. With legislators in Florida barring even the mention of being gay in classrooms and similar restrictions being considered in other states, books with LGBTQ+ themes...
up from 1,149 bans in the second half of 2021-2022. "Gender Queer" and "Flamer" tied at 15 for the most times banned during the more recent period, with other frequently banned books including "The Bluest Eye," "A Court of Mist and Fury" and a graphic novel edition of Margaret ...
BetMGMarrived in the Prairie State in 2022 and hasn’t looked back. Despite being late to the party, the self-titled ‘King of Sportsbooks’ has already settled into the Illinois sports betting market, and has been a great addition for Illinois bettors. ...
Barker's venture into the realm of show business started with his stint as a news editor and announcer at a radio station in Florida, post his service in the Navy. His charismatic personality and eloquent speech quickly gained him popularity, leading him to host his own radio show, The Bob...
Genres of Music | The Most Definitive Music Genre List on the Web. Contribute, share and discover almost every music type, genre or style on the Internet!
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny(1972)– Insanely bad holiday cheer about Santa’s sleigh stuck on a Florida beach, and Thumbelina, and the sad-sack Pirates World amusement park…
Even though the light purple blooms are quite pretty, I have learned to hate the sight of them. Sale of this plant is banned in Connecticut and it needs to be banned in all of the other states in which it has spread into natural areas. Continued sale of this plant is extremely ...
At18%of universities, the tools arebanned by default unless instructors say otherwise. At4%of universities, the tools areallowed (with citation) unless instructors prohibit them. See data (Google Sheet) If you’re unsure what is allowed in your case, alwayscheck your syllabusorask your instruct...
checkout some of the past events below Mon, 02 - Fri, 06 Oct 2023 Banned Books Week - Freedom to Read Solidarity Display Savannah 8.9 Miles from Pooler Visit the GS Libraries' Freedom to Read Solidarity Display to discover a collection of challenged books. Show your support for freedom to...