Full list of bad words and top swear words banned by Google. The list is updated monthly. Pull requests are welcome! The @coffeeandfun/google-profanity-words is a Node.js module created by Robert James Gabriel from Coffee & Fun LLC. It is designed to help you identify and manage profanit...
7.(especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).negro noun 1.the colour in which these words are printed.Black and white are opposites.negro 2.something (egpaint) black in colour.I've used up all the black.negro...
bahlo/abutil - [UNMAINTAINED] 🆎 A collection of often-used Golang helpers [Do What The Fck You Want To Public License*] (⭐️54) Archived! beringresearch/macpine - Lightweight Linux VMs on MacOS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️921) biter777/countries - Countries - ISO-639, ISO-31...
Below is a list of 38 user submitted swear words. starting with the letter s. Are we missing some words? Add them to our dictionary. sand nigger - middle easternsandnigger - middle easternschlong - male genitaliascrote - male genitaliashit - poopshitass - idiotshitbag - idiotshitbagger -...
From Shooting Star Summit, we'll prepare the route to Star Haven. The name of this route is Star Way. Once you travel Star Way, you'll finally reach Star Haven." "My only wish is for you to save this precious world. You can do it, Mario. Good-bye for now." "No words can ...
No, Roy! I've written a listicle highlighting things you need to do! I'll let you know what my demands are right after these examples. Examples Have you read the new listicle I've written about the greatest video games of all time!
do is mime the other person’s words during a conversation; there wouldn’t be anything to discuss at all. Be ready to share your real thoughts and opinions (not in a combative manner of course—see #3). Be proud of what you stand for and ...
If you have multiple users helping to run your website, assigning user roles and permissions can help secure your site from bad actors who gain access to one of the user accounts. If a hacker guesses the credentials of a site administrator, for example, then they can do serious damage to...
Lists of 6 letter words. Handy for Scrabble, Words With Friends, and other word games.22,779 words: aahing aaliis aarrgh aartis abacas abacus abakas abamps abands abased abaser abases abasia abasic abated abater abates abatic abatis abator abattu abayas
even if you submitted by the deadline. the books are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. you continue to amaze me with the depth and breadth of your reading experience. the variety here is truly astounding, proving yet again that fast forward has the best readers...