We all have bad habits that can be hard to break, from eating junk food late at night to spending too much time on our phones. But here's the thing – if we want lasting success in any area of our lives, those bad habits must go! We've put together a comprehensive list of 31 b...
For most things, quitting cold turkey doesn’t work. It’s much more sustainable to make gradual changes and improvements. It’s harder to break bad habits than to start good ones because they’re already so deeply ingrained. Getting out of old ruts can take time, so it’s important to ...
Come up with replacement habits. Make a list of what you will think or say or do when in place of the habit you stopped. Practice in your mind and out loud, then in real life with low-risk situations. Track your progress. Bad habits are often deeply ingrained and hard to break. So...
Create good habits. Break bad ones. Build a better you. Habit List includes everything you need to reach your goals, wrapped in a beautiful and intuitive interface. It motivates you, helps you stay focused, and keeps you on track.Get motivated with streaks — Keeping streaks alive is a po...
So let's plan to develop some awesome habits in the New Year and make it our most successful one yet! Don’t think of it as a resolution, but as a new way of life. You do not need to wait until the new year to start your journey toward healthy habits. Start now and you will...
“While there is a tiny benefit of adding all the little things and habits to your list and then crossing them off, it is likely to be detrimental as it makes a list harder to prioritize, less simple, and can actually leave you thin...
Before diving into building the Todo List App, we need to consider how we are going to test it. By ensuring that we follow TDD from the start of an App, we will have "no surprises" and avoid having to "correct" any "bad habits". We will be using Tape and JSDOM for testing both...
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders ➖ L. David Marquet First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently ➖ Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman, Jim Harter - foreword The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Thr...
When checking off your to-do list feels like a lot of work, Habitica transforms your task list into a game. What a fantastic way to spice things up and boost productivity! Whether you want to drink more water, read more books, or work on the tasks you’ve been struggling to finish, ...
If you needed a text box to track your tasks for the day, even a notes app would suffice. The best to-do apps go beyond lists to supercharge your productivity, like integrating with your email and chat apps and helping you break down tasks into smaller chunks with AI. And, of ...