Scarlet Witch is the mutant Avenger with probability manipulation powers capable of altering reality itself, portrayed as a complex and often unstable hero by Elizabeth Olsen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Gifted with immense magic allowing her to disrupt minds and warp physics, she is shu...
[volume & issue needed] Supernova first attacked the Avenger Star Fox (another alleged relative of Nebula's) in space which led to a confrontation between Supernova and the combined forces of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and fellow surviving Xandarian Firelord (a former herald of Galactus). ...
Avenger DC Comics Action Comics, Vol. 1, #374 1969 March Leo Dorfman Kurt Schaffenberger Avery Dunham DC Comics Mystery in Space, Vol. 1, #116 1981 February Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn Trevor Von Eeden and John Celardo Avery H. Sunderland DC Comics Saga Of The Swamp Thing, #6 1982 ...
This is a list of minor or background characters who are referenced, alluded or feature in cameo appearances in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics, graphic novels and prose stories by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. This list exclusively does not include main or supporting characters,...
Ultimate Ability:The Motherlode – launch a bombardment that encircles a target area in a wall of flame Apex Legends Valkyrie Real name: Kairi Imahara Age: 30 Known as the Winged Avenger, Valkyrie is bold, brash, fiery, and fierce. With mini rockets, a jetpack, and plenty of mobility, if...
of the previous Grail War, her grandfather implanted a piece of the Grail into Sakura in an attempt to recreate it. This led to the creation of the eighth Servant, Avenger, who tried to summon himself by controlling Sakura with an alternate persona, The Shadow. Sakura takes on the form ...
Recently, the Valkyrie Predator was released as a DLC pack for Predator: Hunting Grounds, introducing a female Predator avenger who fought the Vikings hundreds of years ago. Similar to the female Predators introduced later in the franchise, she was lean and agile, but nonetheless very ferocious....
Avenger Mordred Supporter Yang Harim Her team support skills are an overkill, with +40% Skill haste, ability to heal, ability to cast barrier while simultaneously crippling enemies with debuffs.A must have and all teams run her as the primary support unit ...
(12), Spider-Men (alternate reality), "giant spiders" (alternate reality) (13), Doris, Nick (18), the Avenging Avenger (dream version of Ganke), Ceres (19), Iron Spider (Aaron Davis) (234), Sanjay (240), Brent, Mr. Hamilton, Olivia, Wholeburger, Hypewear, Mr. Phillips (Annual ...
so if they are an integral part of the show you'll find them below. You can various bits of trivia about these Jericho stars, such as where the actor was born and what their year of birth is. This castlist of actorsfrom Jericho focuses primarily on the main characters, but there may...