MOOS-IvP - A set of open source C++ modules for providing autonomy on robotic platforms, in particular autonomous marine vehicles. MRPT - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. [BSD] PCL - Point Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing....
MOOS-IvP - A set of open source C++ modules for providing autonomy on robotic platforms, in particular autonomous marine vehicles. MRPT - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. [BSD] PCL - Point Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing....
HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32G using S32 RTD No AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32G using S32 RTD with AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32M2xx using S32 RTD with AUTOSAR ...
203AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XManagement.pdfRSpecification of Vehicle-2-X Management 204AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogDriver.pdfRASpecification of Watchdog Driver 205AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogInterface.pdfR0Specification of Watchdog Manager 206AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogManager.pdfRASpecification of Watchdog Manager 207AUTOSAR_SWS_Wirel...
It participated in the writing of C ++ 14 coding guidelines, and formulated the AUTOSAR test plan. As a well-known automatic code static analysis tool in the field, Perforce's Helix QAC can support MISRA C / C ++, AUTOSAR C ++, CERT C / C ++, CWE C / C ++, HICPP, JSF AV ...
❖ 软件层面,提供复杂驱动样例,支持在第三方Autosar软件服务提供商的应用环境中进行验证; ❖ 芯片级功能安全相关文件,如Safety manual和FMEDA; ❖ 系统级功能安全参考文件,包括HARA分析、安全目标、FSR、TSR、FTA、FMEA等。 此外,ST还特别针对多合一动力系域控制器中逆变器应用提供了旋转变压器的软件解码方案和软...
AUTOSAR components can be tested using TPT and the execution platform DaVinci, SystemDesk or Messina. Real-time enabled: On real-time-platforms the tests can be executed in real-time. The testing of controller systems is possible. Closed-loop testing: TPT supports reactive tests, that is ...
MOOS-IvP - A set of open source C++ modules for providing autonomy on robotic platforms, in particular autonomous marine vehicles. MRPT - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. [BSD] PCL - Point Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing....
MOOS-IvP - A set of open source C++ modules for providing autonomy on robotic platforms, in particular autonomous marine vehicles. MRPT - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. [BSD] PCL - Point Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing....
autosar- A set of python modules for working with AUTOSAR XML files. Automotive SPICE ASPICE- Automotive SPICE® Process Assessment Model (PAM) and Process Reference Model (PRM). Automotive SPICE: Ensuring ASPICE Compliance- 321 Gang, Continuous Engineering Experts. ...