And despite all the upheaval, there is simply no support and no reentry planning for women and their children once mothers are incarcerated.—Jorja Leap Intelligent Love: The Story of Clara Park, Her Autistic Daughter, and the Myth of the Refrigerator Mother In challenging the view th...
The smartest celebrities are those who have documented high IQs, multiple degrees from distinguished universities, and a history of long hours spent studying complicated subjects. Some of these celebs, like Matt Damon, even star in the best movies about geniuses. A number of famous actors ar...
Demiflux:A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity. Demigender:The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender. Domgender:The individual has multiple genders with one dominating over the rest. Duragender:Havi...
Her work seeks to normalize the presence of Black women and girls as the complex and interesting characters she would have liked to see as a child/teen. * AVB Avb attended the International School of Comics, specializing in French comics and graphic novels. She has been working as a story...