What’s good y’all.Today I am sharing with you Australian slang words or simply Aussie slang terms and sayings. I’ve been in Australia for nearly a year now and one of my favorite things about it is the language. Here I love how Australians talk, I love their slang, I love how t...
We’ve shown you the 100 New English Words. But, most words don’t start off in dictionaries around the world. Some of these new international words are used in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada and the UK (and even in non-English speaking countries) originate from slang or...
RELATED: And if you want to know what ‘Rootable‘– and other Aussie words mean, take a peek at our Complete Australian Slang Dictionary –there’s 150+ words and phrases in there! 52. “I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must firs...
Australian grunge bands are a force to be reckoned with in the world of alternative rock. With roots in punk and garage rock, these bands have captured the ...
Eye of newt I cast a hex on you! Grandma's wig This'll make you big! Kitten spit Soon your pants won't fit! Pantalones giganticus! Oh no, not again. These words form the sentence "Eye-I ca gran this kit soo pan'l," which can be misinterpreted as "I have granted kids to Hel...
List of Australian Post-punk bands, listed by popularity with photos when available. This list includes more than just bands, as Post-punk solo artists from ...
Cajun Slang Words An out-of-towner is going to have a very difficult time figuring out what we're trying to tell them. Now, if you put the two together? Poo-Yie Mais Las like that you know Cher?! We've decided to come up with our own list of "Cajun Slang Terms" that you'll ...
Sometimes evenslang, like LOL, makes it into dictionaries as a new English word. Slang is very informal language or specific words used by a group of people. Usually you’ll hear slang in spoken language. You can also come across it in SMS or social media. However, you don’t use slan...
n.Slang 1.A list of potential murder victims. 2.A list designating a target, as for attack, coercion, or elimination:"had a hit list of executives he wanted fired"(New York). American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Ha...
Personally, I am constantly expanding the number of known words for me, because it is a very useful thing in my life [of creator]. I learn English from the first grade of elementary school (Szkoła podstawowa) and German from the first grade of middle school (Gimnazjum), but I give ...