The following is an alphabetical list of Super Mario-related sightings and references in animated and anime television shows. For a list of references in live-action television, see List of references in live-action television.
Homestar Runner - Despite being one of the longest-running web series and having a large fanbase, no official dubs have ever been made. HoopDogz InvestiGators: Animated Series - While the shorts has not yet dubbed, the book series has international translations. Itty Bitty Heartbeats— Likely be...
And lastly, the CGI-animated Pumbaa from the 2019 remake of The Lion King makes a cameo while making fun of Bob's dead eyes. Bootleg versions of Kaa, and the body of Shere Khan seen on a bootleg version of The Cheshire Cat from The Jungle Book Bootleg versions of Tiana in her frog...
Disney-Pixar's belovedMonsters, essentially an animated buddy comedy. The film centers on two lovable monsters, best friends/co-workers Mike and Sulley, who become entangled in a conspiracy plot when an adorable human child, thought to be deadly, enters their world. Brimming with themes...
Hannah Montana is an American sitcom created by Michael Poryes, Richard Correll, and Barry O'Brien as a Disney Channel Original Series, which debuted on March 24, 2006. The program follows the life of a teenage girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley ...
Lewis is a character from the animated projects around the indieband, Mystery Skulls. is is the skeletal resident of the mansion and former member of the Mystery Skulls. In his living form, his character can be described as similar to Fred from the American television animated series Scooby-Do...
364 December 11, 2005 A pair of animated hands deals five cards on the couch: the jack of diamonds (Bart), the queen of diamonds (Marge), the king of diamonds (Homer), the ace of diamonds (Lisa), and a joker (Maggie). "The Italian Bob" HABF02 365 December 18, 2005 A copy...
List of all VvvvvaVvvvvvr uploads in 2019. See also: Category:Short videos (Note: Probably all unlisted or removed rips are missing.) Continued from the list of 2018 uploads. ANOTHER YEAR - Vavrrune Archimedes - Team Fortress 2 Wilfre's Wasteland 1 - Dra
It is designed for layout, typesetting, and preparation of files for professional-quality image-setting equipment. Scribus can also create animated and interactive PDF presentations and forms.Photoshop / Illustrator✅ Instead useGIMP - A free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image ...
It is designed for layout, typesetting, and preparation of files for professional-quality image-setting equipment. Scribus can also create animated and interactive PDF presentations and forms.Photoshop / Illustrator✅ Instead useGIMP - A free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image ...