Chinese Crested Dog A hairless breed of dog! Alaskan Shepherd This dog’s Malamute ancestors once came to America across the Bering Strait. Our Most Recently Updated Animals Turkish Angora A breed that originated in central Turkey! Barbut’s Cuckoo Bumblebee N/A Tiger Shark The fourth biggest ...
Endangered Species of Our Planet Africa Antarctica Asia Australia Central America Europe Hawaii North America Oceania South America Middle East Endangered Species Info List of all endangered animals. List of all endangered plants. List of all endangered species (animals & plants). By...
Unlike most sharks, the basking shark is a filter feeder rather than an active hunter. It swims through clouds of zooplankton (tiny ocean animals) with its large mouth held wide open, filtering the food from the seawater with comb-like projections from its gills known as “gill rakers”. Wh...
Animals that feed on dead flesh or carrion are called scavengers. This feeding behavior is common to some vertebrates, such as vultures and coyotes, but also happens among invertebrates, such as insects. Blow flies, flesh flies, harvester ants, some species of yellow-jacket wasps and several sp...
3D Archery— a form of archery in which the goal is to strike targets in the shape of animals at unknown distances. 3x3 Basketball— a variation of basketball played on a half-court with just three players on each team. 3x3 Ice Hockey— a variation of ice hockey played on a half rink...
Some corona-viruses cause disease in humans, others spread illness among animals, 5. camels (骆驼), cats and bats (蝙蝠) . We 6. seven types of corona-virus that can infect humans so far . Four of them are common and cause respiratory (呼吸道的) illness such as mild flu. Rarely(...
While primarily herbivorous, the giant river turtle is an opportunistic feeder that will eat carrion and smaller animals when it has the chance to do so. The Arrau turtle was once a common sight along the banks of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers, but in recent times its population has decrease...
Location:Central America, South America, & Southeast Asia Threat Level:Endangered [2] Endangering Factors:Lack of genetic diversity along with frequent habit loss have caused the Tapir to be considered one of the most endangered animals on the planet. ...
"63 known species of birds and animals that inhabit the property. Of these, 17 are endangered" (Source: FP&L web site.) Florida Power and Light Co. (A Progress Energy Company) Biscayne Bay Turkey Point Station: Unit 4 693-666 Mw PWR/W 1973 Making waste 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Ca...
Pericylmenus was gifted the ability to shapeshift into various animals from his grandfather Poseidon. When Hercules waged war against Neleus, king of Pylos, for refusing to purify Hercules for the murder of Iphitus, Hercules killed eleven of the twelve sons of Neleus, one of which was Pericly...