There are about 1.4 million known species in the world. This list of animals contains the animal names and other interesting facts about them.
More than three hundred nematode genus-group names omitted from or published since the ‘CIH Keys’ to nematode parasites are listed. These names were abstracted from the generic indices of the Host-Parasite Catalogue of the Parasitic Worms Section, British Museum (Natural History). The various ta...
Towards a List of Available Names in Zoology, partim Phylum Rotifera Following Article 79 of the Code (Chapter 17, a committee of experts developed a Candidate Part of the List of Available Names for genus-group taxa of Rotifera from the star...
Type of animal: Mammal Family: Leporidae Despite the name, jackrabbits are hares, not rabbits. Hares (and jackrabbits) belong to the genusLepus.Lepusis part of the family Leporidae, which also contains rabbits. The seven species of jackrabbit are all found in North America. The largest jackra...
You will even findcheetahsandcougarson big cat lists because of their size. Cheetahs and cougars are members of the subfamilyFelinae. Cheetahs belong to the genusAcinonyx,and cougars belong to the genusPuma. The biggest wild cats on the planet are the tiger, lion, jaguar, cougar, leopard, ...
Genus:Morpho Where found:Central & South America Blue morphos are brilliant blue butterflies. There is more than one species of blue morpho; the name is used for any blue butterfly in the genusmorpho. (A genus is a group of closely related species.) ...
Learn the list of animal names that start with A in English with examples.Eagle The eagle hovered, ready to swoop at any moment.Elephant The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.Elk Look, here are some elk and here’s the camp, the hunting camp with tipis....
The oceans contain a vast variety of creatures. Here are some marine animals whose names span the alphabet from A to Z.
This large member of the dog family can weigh up to 40 kg (88 lb); around twice the weight of aCoyote. Dholes resemble members of the genusCanis(Domestic Dogs,Grey Wolves), but have fox-like reddish fur and bushy tails. The Dhole is a social animal, living in packs of around twelve...
insect, (class Insecta or Hexapoda), any member of the largest class of the phylum Arthropoda, which is itself the largest of the animal phyla. Insects have segmented bodies, jointed legs, and external skeletons (exoskeletons). Insects are distinguished from other arthropods by their body, which...