Provides a list of all the 257 countries in the world. Gives additonal information about population, economy, capitals, animals and more...
List of Countries of Africa List of Dependent Territories and Other States of Africa Alphabetically FlagState/TerritoryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency Canary Islands Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2,172,944 7,493 sq km (2,893 sq mi) Euro Madeira Funchal 250,769 ...
List of Countries of Eurasia Alphabetically CountryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency A Afghanistan Kabul 40,099,462 652,230 sq km (251,827 sq mi) Afghani Albania Tirana 2,854,710 28,748 sq km (11,100 sq mi) Albanian lek Andorra Andorra la Vella 79,034 468 sq km (181 sq mi)...
Having to wait hours came high on thelistof complaints. 在投诉当中,最多的是抱怨等候时间太长。 牛津词典 We were asked tolistour ten favourite songs. 我们应要求列出自己最喜爱的十首歌曲。 牛津词典 Towns in the guide arelistedalphabetically. ...
Explore this curated list of dictatorship countries in the world today, including North Korea, Jordan, and more.
Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically. 旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的。 牛津词典 The koala is listed among Australia's endangered animals. 树袋熊已列为澳大利亚濒临绝种的动物之一。 牛津词典 soldiers listed as missing 列入失踪名单的士兵 牛津词典 This CD player lists at $200. 这台激光...
African countries listed alphabetically, with state capitals and the names of each state as known within their respective countries.
We have also listed all women separately in our List of women of the Three Kingdoms. Contents 1 Per subpage 2 Alphabetically 2.1 E 2.2 H 2.3 J 2.4 L 2.5 M 2.6 N 2.7 O 2.8 P 2.9 Q 2.10 R 2.11 S 2.12 T 2.13 W 2.14 X 2.15 Y 2.16 Z 2.17 Notes 2.17.1 References 2.18 ...
NOTE: If you do not want the email address placedin alphabetical order,uncheck Addtolistalphabetically; otherwise the email address will be listed alphabetically. 注意: 如果您不要按字母顺序放置电子邮件地址,可取消选取按字母 顺序添加到列表;否则,电子邮件地址将会按...
List of Countries of Europe Alphabetically FlagCountryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency A AlbaniaTirana2,854,71028,748 sq km (11,100 sq mi)Albanian lek AndorraAndorra la Vella79,034468 sq km (181 sq mi)Euro ArmeniaYerevan2,790,97429,743 sq km (11,484 sq mi)Dram ...