--all|-l If you specify this option, the command displays additional columns of information. --cipher-type|-t Specify the type of cipher. The value can be ssl2 or ssl3tls ciphers. --config|-c Specify the name of the configuration for which you want to list the ciphers. --ht...
retter –Hash functions, ciphers, tools, libraries, and materials related to cryptography & security. reverse-interview –Questions to ask the company during your interview Rich-Hickey-fanclub –Rich Hickey's works on the internet. rss-readers-list –Reader replacements megalist http://smithbr....
MAJIQ: detection of local splice variation http://majiq.biociphers.org/ LeafCutter: https://github.com/davidaknowles/leafcutter JSplice: http://www.mhs.biol.ethz.ch/research/krek/jsplice.html Splice site prediction: http://cabgrid.res.in:8080/HSplice/ DRIM-seq: http://bioconductor.org/pa...
mcrypt_list_algorithms— Gets an array of all supported ciphersWarning This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.1.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 7.2.0. Relying on this function is highly discouraged.Description ¶ mcrypt_list_algorithms(string $lib_dir = ini_get("mcrypt.algorithms_dir")): ...
{ "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2": "false", "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA": "true", "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10": "False", "Microsoft.WindowsAzure....
A programming game usually has players using code to complete a challenge or overcome an obstacle.Codehuntfor example, is a game played using either Java or C# where players write code to learn computer languages and programming elements like loops, strings, and ciphers. (Learn more aboutcoding...
The Enigma Girls: How Ten Teenagers Broke Ciphers, Kept Secrets, and Helped Win World War II (Scholastic Focus) Grades 3 - 7 $14.99$19.99ADD TO CARTsave to wishlist "You are to report to Station X at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, in four days time...That is all you need to know...
Bletchley Park, in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, was the central site of the United Kingdom's Government Code and Cypher School, which during the Second World War regularly penetrated the secret communications of the Axis Powers – most importantly the German Enigma and Lore...
twisted.internet.interfaces.IAcceptableCiphers.html /usr/share/doc/twisted-doc/html/api/twisted.internet.interfaces.IAddress.html /usr/share/doc/twisted-doc/html/api/twisted.internet.interfaces.ICipher.html /usr/share/doc/twisted-doc/html/api/twisted.internet.interfaces.IConnector.html /usr/share/...
./C-Plus-Plus/bit_manipulation/count_of_set_bits.cpp ./C-Plus-Plus/bit_manipulation/count_of_trailing_ciphers_in_factorial_n.cpp ./C-Plus-Plus/bit_manipulation/hamming_distance.cpp ./C-Plus-Plus/ciphers ./C-Plus-Plus/ciphers/base64_encoding.cpp ./C-Plus-Plus/ciphers/caesar_cipher.cpp...