Scales of Justice is a three-part Australian drama miniseries, made in 1983 by director Michael Jenkins. It was one of the most controversial Australian mini-series ever produced, examining corruption in all levels of law enforcement. Scales of Justice contains three self-contained, character-linked...
It's another new Australian Christmas movie, and it's free to watch on Binge. The Adventures of Pluto Nash First Viewing Viewing Date: December 3rd Via: YouTube Movies Plot: In the future, a man struggles to keep his lunar nightclub out of the hands of the Mafia. Rating: 2.2/10 Why...
This site is Great, but you’ve left out Hunting. White people, and by no means all of the, but ALOT of them want to get in touch with nature, and live off the land. Alot of camping going on, and alot or fishing. Alot of ‘Extreme Sports’ somehow football isn’t extreme enough?
Here is an alphabetical listing of all the movies (so far) that have been certified as among the 366 weirdest ever made, along with links to films reviewed in capsule form only. (You may need to use your browser’s search function to locate a specific movie). Our short film reviews hav...
Nearly 40 km away from Dalat city, Zoodoo is not only a friendly Australian-style zoo, but also an attractive model of camping in the middle of pine forests. (More Detail ➤ZooDoo Zoo Dalat) Zoodoo Zoo in Dalat Dalat Milk Farm ...
First of all the suburbs, rat forsaken holes that no man nor women deserves to experience. Drugs, alcohol and other criminal activity is very common in the suburbs and so the big cities, which the suburbs are located rather near. The culture in Sweden it self is completely horrendous and ...
Another Australian landmark – Sydney’s got ‘em all packed into one space! – theSydney Harbour Bridgeis the world’s largest steel arch frame bridge. The bridge stretches across Sydney’s natural harbor for 1,149 metres, connecting the city to the suburbs. ...
David McEwan is Australian/British music producer, engineer, composer, and a member of the band The Safires. He is the co-owner of The Sanctuary Recording Studio in London and is best known for his work on the award-winning Plan B album The Defamation of Strickland Banks. He has also ha...
It's official—Onehunga is one of Auckland's most hip albeit underrated suburbs. Studded with historic buildings and delightful villas, this charming neighbourhood has really amped things up in recent years on the eating-out front, with a host of top-notch bars, restaurants and cafés coming to...
read more I was born in the states, grew up in the suburbs of NY, started working at 13, finished HS, went to college where I graduated and even played the all American game - baseball. After college, like a good American, I joined the work force, payed taxes and even payed off ...