Multiple resource classes, Docker, Windows, Mac OS, ARM executors, local runners, test splitting, Docker Layer Caching, and other advanced CI/CD features. Free for up to 6000 minutes/month execution time, unlimited collaborators, 30 parallel jobs in private projects, and up to 80,000 free ...
Google Mock - A library for writing and using C++ mock classes. [BSD] Google Test - Google C++ Testing Framework. [BSD] Hippomocks - Single-header mocking framework. [LGPL-2.1] IceCream-Cpp - Never use cout/printf to debug again [MIT] ig-debugheap - Multiplatform debug heap useful for ...
Unrealm - Unrealm enables you to easily store Swift native Classes, Structs and Enums into Realm. QuickDB - Save and Retrieve any Codable in JUST ONE line of code + more easy usecases. ObjectBox - ObjectBox is a superfast, light-weight object persistence framework. DuckDB - DuckDB is a ...
There are also ETFs across various asset classes, including equity ETFs, bond ETFs, currency ETFs, or ETFs that invest inMaster Limited Partnerships (MLPs) or Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Certain ETFs also deploy the use of leverage, to amplify returns. However, investors should unders...
MXML 语法 隐藏MXML 语法 The<mx:List>tag inherits all the tag attributes of its superclass, and adds the following tag attributes: <mx:ListPropertieseditable="false|true" editedItemPosition="No default" editorDataField="text" editorHeightOffset="0" ...
indexOf(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UtilityAssetType *) const : int inherits(const char *) const : bool insert(int, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UtilityAssetType *) insertColumn(int, const QModelIndex &) : bool insertColumns(int, int, const QModelIndex &) : bool insertRow(int, const QModelIndex &...
based on U.S.-listed ETFs that are classified by ETF Database as being mostly exposed to a specific type of bond. If an ETF changes its bond type classification, it will also be reflected in the investment metric calculations. The calculations exclude all other asset classes and inverse ...
based on U.S.-listed ETFs that are classified by ETF Database as being mostly exposed to a specific type of bond. If an ETF changes its bond type classification, it will also be reflected in the investment metric calculations. The calculations exclude all other asset classes and inverse ...
This is the complete list of members for Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalPrivilege, including inherited members. PortalPrivilege() PortalPrivilege(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalPrivilege &) PortalPrivilege(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalPrivilege &&) ~PortalPrivilege() realm() const : Esri::ArcGISRunti...
The ListBase class inherits all of the tag properties of its superclasses, and adds the following tag properties: <mx:tagname Properties allowDragSelection="false|true" allowMultipleSelection="false|true" columnCount="4" columnWidth="NaN" dataProvider="null" dataTipField="label" dataTipFunction=...