This is a list of all US Presidents since George Washington. In total, there have been 45 different presidents - one which was elected twice!
There is a bloody history of US presidential assassination attempts: four US presidents have been killed, others targeted, and a number of candidates as well. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump, who escaped with a bullet wound to his ear while ...
Johnson, who became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, clashed with fellow Republicans over Reconstruction in the wake of the Civil War. He often tried to sidestep Congress and became the first president ever to faceimpeachment, but was acquitted by one vote. This 1865-1880 photo, ...
He staged a brief nomination run in the 1968 presidential election as a stand-in for the assassinated Robert F. Kennedy. The subsequent McGovern–Fraser Commission fundamentally altered the presidential nominating process, by greatly increasing the number of caucuses and primaries and reducing the ...
John F. Kennedy took office following a highly competitive election in 1960. However, he was assassinated in late 1963 before completing his first term, and his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, took over the presidency. 17/20 Credit
Also ranks #1 on The Most Important Military Leaders In US History Also ranks #2 on The Greatest US Presidents Of All Time, Ranked 2 George Harrison 02/24/1943 178 George Harrison, widely recognized as the lead guitarist of the Beatles, was born on February 25, 1943, in Liverpool, Englan...
John F. Kennedy (1961-63): John F. Kennedy could perhaps be one of the most famous presidents the United States has had. On 11/22/1963, he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Read more aboutJohn F. Kennedy. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-69): Lyndon Johnson or LBJ was the 36th presid...
He’s the son of Democratic icon Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 during his own presidential campaign. Kennedy’s nomination alarmed people who are concerned about his record of spreading unfounded fears about vaccines. For example, he has long advanced the debunked idea that ...
Martin Luther King, Jr was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Name the individual pictured here. This is Langston Hughes. He was born in 1902 in Missouri and became a famous writer. He was a large part of the Harlem Renaissance. Name the African American poet who wrote the poem,A Dream Def...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech Dr. Pepper recommended doses 5 member commentsDr. Strangelove (1964) 2 member commentsDraft cards & draft card burning 1 member comment...