Very useful for gathering information on what specific individuals are active within an entity. Mergent Intellect Mergent Online National Company Registers Notablist OpenCorporates - Global search of registered corporate entities and their associated individual officers or investors. OpenOwnership Register ...
are shown by an expert review process to be the most relevant, feasible, accurate and mature for direct monitoring of biodiversity from satellites. Biodiversity products that require satellite remote sensing of a finer resolution that is still under development are given lower priority (for example,...
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company,based in Jefferson County, has decades of experience of managing satellites, exploring space and providing information for the US military. By generating more timely information about on-the ground conditions and running computer programs to process huge amounts of...
planets and satellites: atmospheresstars: low-massA new silicon monoxide ( 28 Si 16 O) line list covering infrared, visible, and ultraviolet regions called SiOUVenIR is presented. This line list extends the infrared EBJT ExoMol line list by including vibronic transitions to the A 1 Π A\\,...
Dr. Lim Jian Wei Mark is the CEO of Aliena, a Singapore space-tech startup that develops advanced plasma-based propulsion engines to provide mobility solutions for satellites. The company Aliena was spun-off from Nanyang Technological University in 2018 while Mark was a research scientist at the...
AeroVironment Leader in the markets for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Tactical Missile Systems, High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellites and Commercial Information Systems. Offer flexible software control options including via ROS56 1971 AEye Create software-defined lidar solutions that enable advanced driver-ass...
11. L2D2: low latency distributed downlink for LEO satellites Abstract:Large constellations of Low Earth Orbit satellites promise to provide near real-time high-resolution Earth imagery. Yet, getting this large amount of data back to Earth is challenging because of their low orbits and fast motion...
A satellite cellular communication system includes satellites in motion that project cells upon the surface of the Earth. These cells are in motion and pass over individual subscriber units (26) engaged in communications, thus requiring individual subscriber units (26) to perform handoffs as an ...
Traveling22knots.Noactivetransponder. 26mileseastofthelastone. Hastobeatechnicalissue,right? Well,we'renottakinganychances.ScrambleaHornet. Iwantapilottotellmewhathesees. Captain,radarsatellites arepickingupanincomingprojectilemid-flight. Lookslikeacruisemissileinbound. Ourmissilewarningsatellitesdidn'tpickup...
Earth Station A place on the ground designed to communicate with satellites. Usually used to describe large teleports, but technically, any active satellite dish is part of an earth station. EIRP Equivalent isotropically radiated power, or in small words, the strength of a signal at a ...