List of Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsAtype of verse (cf. Sievers 1893)acc.accusative caseADanno dominiadj.adjectiveAdj.Padjective phraseadv.adverbAdv.Padverb phraseAhd. Wb.Althochdeutsches WörterbuchAngl.AnglianANQAmerican Notes and QueriesASPRAnglo-Saxon Poetic Recordsassim.assimilatedAux....
A list of abbreviations and symbols is presented. It includes the symbols for diameter, less than, greater than and hybrid indicator. It also includes acronyms of journals and organizations and abbreviations of botany-related terms such as anthers, gynostegium and inner tepals....
List of abbreviationsPrefixes and symbols of unitsMultiplier10–110–210–310–610–910–1210–1510–18PrefixdecicentimillimicronanopicofemtoattoSymboldcmmnpfa103106109101210151018kilomegagigaterapetaexakMGTPEMixed prefixes are not permissable, e.g., mmg should be ng.The symbols d(10?1) and c(10?2)...
ABBListofsymbolsandabbreviations数据表(英语)说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 3 从昌电 ASEA BROWN BOVERI List of symbols and B03-033 下 ABB Relays 页知 abbreviations 中 , Data subject to change without notice Relay contacts 。 Normally-open (no) contact Make contact ...
List of Symbols and Abbreviations Chapter 1. History of Distillation Chapter 2. Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium and Physical Properties for Distillation Chapter 3. Mass Transfer in Distillation Chapter 4. Principles of Binary Distillation Chapter 5. Design and Operation of Batch Distillation Chapter 6. Energy... of Abbreviations and SymbolsAAOIFIAccounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial InstitutionBLEVBook LeverageBMATBasic MaterialsBNMBank Negara MalaysiaCACanadaCAPEXCapital ExpendituresCG DSConsumer GoodsCSRVConsumer ServicesDJDow JonesDJGIDow Jones Global ...
This document is part of Subvolume A of Volume 11 'Nanocrystalline Materials' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group VIII 'Advanced Materials and Technologies'.It contains a list of frequently used symbols and abbreviations for the volume LB VIII/11A.Parent documents: SpringerMaterials Volume VIII/...
ISMP's List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations Nephrology Nursing JournalInstitute for Safe Medication Practices
Thermal Conductivity of Pure Metals and AlloysThis document is part of Subvolume C 'Thermal Conductivity of Pure Metals and Alloys' of Volume 15 'Metals: Electronic Transport Phenomena' of Landolt-Brnstein - Group III Condensed Matter.P. G. Klemens...
List of Symbols and Abbreviations Summary This document is part of Subvolume F3 'Perovskites II, Oxides with Corundum , Ilmenite and Amorphous Structures' of Volume 27 'Magnetic Properti... Prof. Dr. W. Göpel,Prof. J. Hesse,Dr. J. N. Zemel - Sensors: Chemical and Biochemical Sensors ...