Dungeons & Dragons Classes (5e) 14 The Classes of Dungeons and Dragons 114 Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Subclasses 236 Monster Manual 57 5e D&D Races 109 Every Subclass Tier Ranking 20 Pathfinder 2e Classes (Post-Guns And Gears)
5e Dungeons and Dragons: The Ebonichor Chronicles (fantasy) A Call To Duty (Star Trek) A Day At The Races (ADATR) (Horse Racing (Flat) English) A Frontier Exploited (Post Apocalyptic/ Space) A Hell Of A Ride (Vampire Diaries/Originals/Supernatural/Sleepy Hollow/etc) A New World...
SomeDnD subclassesrely on this mix of magic and melee, like the Circle of SporesDnD Druidor the BladesingingWizard 5e. War Caster allows these characters to take up sword and board, charge into battle, and not worry about whether their Haste 5e spell will be cut short. Plus, a cheeky sp...
5e Dungeons and Dragons: The Ebonichor Chronicles (fantasy) A New World (D&D 3.5) A Paladin in Hell... and Beyond (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5E) A Shadow of Hope (Dark Sun 3.5e Campaign) A Study In Escalation (Free Form Strategy) AD and D First Edition PBEM (fantasy) AD&D ...
Listonomicon exists to celebrateDungeons and Dragonspast and present, bringing old and current published material (and limited, popular, third party, OSR, and Pathfinder) to Larians adaptation of 5e. It improves UI, QoL, and gameplay mechanics while adding new options, encounters, dangers, cosmet...
/mpspecialraces Cunning Stunts: Special Races [spoiler] gp1 infernus2 ruston turismo2 [/spoiler] - /mpstunt Cunning Stunts [spoiler] bf400 brioso cliffhanger contender gargoyle le7b lynx omnis rallytruck sheava (Etri) tampa2 trophytruck trophytruck2 (Desert Raid) tropos tyrus [/spoiler] - /...
{TB|The lights are out as five pairs of eyes enter; the lights turn on revealing only eyes, as the eyeless family rushes in and sits down, reconnecting with their eyes.}} {{TB|"[[Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood]]"}} {{TB|1F06}} {{TBT|90}} {{TB|[[File:CouchGagS5E09.png|250px]]...
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