the musical syllable used for the second tone in the ascending diatonic scale. [1400–50; late Middle English; see gamut] re2 (ri, reɪ) prep. with reference to; regarding. [1700–10; < Latin rē (in the) matter, affair, thing (abl. of rēs)] 're (ər) contraction ...
【Jack Hartmann】一周7天 / 星期 syllable歌谣 Days of the Week Syllable Song 03:00 【Jack Hartmann】ABC互动歌谣 西班牙语版本 Alfabeto Interactive Spanish Letter Sounds 05:25 【Jack Hartmann】 书的组成部分 歌谣版 Parts of a Book _ Jack Hartmann ...
250 Japanese anime words and phrases that all anime fan would want to know about. This epic list includes slang, cool dialect variations, and must-know cute Japanese words.
Hindi Hindi has a mix of properties that many find annoying, the high proportion of stop consonants to fricatives can make it sound quite choppy. Also the fact that it's a syllable timed language, to speakers of stress timed languages like English this can come across as a little soulless,...
bezjaci (masculine, never capitalised, stressed on the first syllable) (it's a regional insult meaning something like primitive person, boor) Czech: Mudla Danish: Muggler Dutch: Dreuzel Estonian: mugu Faroese: Muglari Finnish: jästi French: Moldu (masculine, always capitalised) German: Mug...
Filter the list on part of speech, phonemes, stress patterns... Filters Starts with Ends with Part of Speech Phonemes Stress patterns Syllable count Video examples ResetWe're working on many projects, all language-related. Don't miss anything 🙂 AmericanIPAchart.comLearn to pronoun...
There are hundreds of examples in English of r-controlled syllable words. Before getting into an r-controlled vowels word list, it is important to look specifically at an r-controlled vowels list. 'R' does not impact all vowels in the same way. When an 'e', an 'i', or a 'u' prec...
2025 Get Started Right Writing... Get your writing goals started right in 2025 with the second ever Get Started Right Writing Challenge. The final day of this writing challenge involves 30 minutes of whatever you desire (as long as it benefits your writing). ...
I like to have a page for each digraph or blend that contains a list of words. Students highlight the specific digraph or blend and read the words. See the picture below for an example page from myL- Blends Activities. This is usually the first activity I do when introducing a new phon...
As students progress through the grades, phonics instruction evolves to include more complex word patterns, such as silent letters, long and short vowel sounds, and multi-syllable words. Super Teacher has worksheets focusing on individual vowels and consonants, letter blends, beginning and ending ...