future-architect/vuls - Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️11228) fyne-io/fyne - Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design (⭐️25910) gbrlsnchs/jwt - Go JWT sign...
3 go-haystack Track personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's "Find My" network using OpenHaystack and Macless-Haystack with tools written in Go/TinyGo. No Apple hardware required! hybridgroup 1307 4 chisel A fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP jpillora 14248 5 superfile Pretty fancy and modern termina...
How to get list of devices using CMD? To get a list of devices using Command Prompt, you may use the ‘wmic’ or ‘pnputil’ command line utility.wmicallows you to retrieve system information by queryingWindows Management Instrumentationwhilepnputillets you add, delete, or list driver packages...
Enable check box for USB debugging. Opencmd(or MacOS' console), andcdwhere youradbexecutable is. Should be in SDK'splatform-tools, which you can get from official-site:https://developer.android.com/studio. Finally, run the commands: adbkill-server adb start-server adb devices Now we...
"Network Convergence System 1001 Fan" PID: NCS1K1-FAN , VID: V01, SN: N/A MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 32769 , Type: Fantray PN: N/A NAME: "0/PM0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 2KW AC PSU" PID: NCS1K-2KW-AC2 , VID: V00, SN: POG2004JT...
Many devices, such as smartphones and tablets, use different file systems than traditional hard drives. As a result, they may not be able to read data from an NVMe SSD that uses a different file system. By formatting the drive, you can ensure that your device can read the data on the...
vue-identify-network - ⚡️Identify what kinda internet your users are using! vue-cloneya - A vue component to clone DOM elements vue-survey-builder - Survey builder for vue.js applications vue-if-bot - A lightweight component to hide/show content to clients based on the user agent vue...
Know the practicalusage of command prompt by exploringthis blog onComplete List of Command Prompt (CMD) Commands! Conclusion Since Nmap provides a rapid, effective approach to auditing your systems, investing the time to understand it can significantly improve network security. Even the program’s ...
IOT_NETCMD(Deprecated)Adds the command-line tool: netcmd.exe, used for configuring network connectivity. Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1803. The netcmd.exe will be removed when updating to version 1803. UseWindows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiAdapterfor managing Wifi. SeeWiFi Connectorexample. ...
i. From an elevated cmd prompt run: Powershell Copy > powershell > set-netconnectionprofile -interfaceAlias \* -NetworkCategory Private > enable-PSRemoting -Force -SkipNetworkProfileCheck > set-Item wsman:\\localhost\\client\\trustedhosts \* -Force > restart-service...