-s, --ignore-missing-tests [default: false] If this Boolean flag is provided, ignore test methods that are not found in any of your local package directories. GLOBAL FLAGS --json Format output as json. DESCRIPTION Lists tests in a package.xml file or from your package directories. ...
Fulfilling Interface Contracts with Static Methods This shouldn't work but it does. Apparently also works with batch. public class StaticsAreCool implements Schedulable{ public static void execute(SchedulableContext sc){ } } Source: Kevin Jones Exceptions are "exceptional" In their naming conventions:...
separated list is split into scalar values and the corresponding child table has rows added/removed. APEX provides a some methods that make this pretty straightforward (APEX_STRING.SPLIT and APEX_STRING.JOIN). Have a look atthis postwith a similar example on how to process multi value item ...
; picklistentry methods the following are methods for picklistentry . all are instance methods. getlabel() returns the display name of this item in the picklist. getvalue() returns the value of this item in the picklist. isactive() returns true if this item must be displayed in ...
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In this excellent benchmark, you can find the performance of different counting methods. The Counter class seems to have best performance. Python List Count vs Len What’s the difference? The list.count(x) method counts the number of occurrences of the element x in the list. The len(list...
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