$AdminMembers = @() # Fetch out all the members of the local administrators group $LocalAdminGroupMembers = Get-LocalGroupMember -Name Administrators # Add all the user types to our final result $AdminMembers += $LocalAdminGroupMembers | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq "User"} | Select ...
Admin CMD Commands NET USER (User Account Management) Syntax: NET USER [username [password | *] [options]] [/DOMAIN] Example: NET USER administrator * Manages user accounts on the computer. For example, this command can reset the administrator's password. NET USER NET LOCALGROUP (Local Group...
首先使用“win+R”键来打开运行窗口,在窗口中输入“cmd”进入命令行模式。 图片 在打开的命令行模式中,切换到你保存alist.exe文件的目录,我是放在了C盘的根目录下,输入“.\alist.exe admin”来获取管理员的登录信息。 图片 请用各种方式记录下后面需要用到,接着我们输入输入“.\alist.exe server”来启动工具。
sys showcmdlist 参数说明 无。 视图 诊断视图 使用指南 无。 使用实例 查询命令列表。 admin:/diagnose>sys showcmdlist RunQ(Node )(enable: 1) : -- RunQ(Cls )(enable: 1) : -- RunQ(Obj )(enable: 1) : -- RunQ(Cfg )(enable: 1) : -- RunQ(SysLog)(enable: 1) : -- RunQ(Event )...
登陆alist 浏览器输入网址:http:\\,用户名为admin,密码为cmd中生成的(上...
i=$(echo~$1|tr-d'~'|tr'-''~') if["$(echo ~$g_p | tr -d '~' | tr '-' '~' | grep -Eo"$i")"x = x ];then return1 fi return0 } retry_command() { # 重试次数和最大重试次数 retries=0 max_retries=10 localcmd="$1" localsuccess=...
建議版本 解除警示 Datacenter Abstraction Layer (DAL) Overview 閱讀英文版本 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 分享方式: Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 文章 31/08/2016 在此文章 Syntax Parameters Remarks Examples Additional references Applies To: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2...
Get all members of local admin group for list of servers Get all parameters pass to a powershell script and store it in a variable Get all users by UPN from an AD Group in Powershell Get AppLocker Events from Remote Machine Get associated security group for each folder? Get BIOS ti...
cmd界面 输入以下代码(输入一行回车一次) 看见start server@并且没有报错,说明启动成功,找到输出中夹带的password,复制(不能使用ctrl+c,要选中后右键自动复制),打开localhost:5244,看到如下界面说明运行中 localhost:5244 点击页面下方登录,输入用户名和密码(用户名为admin,密码为刚刚记住的password) ...
Cmd:Allows you to begin a new CMD shell. Cmdkey:Manage your passwords and usernames. Cmstp:Allow you to uninstall or install a Connection Manager profile. Color:Changes the colors of the text and background in a Command Prompt window. ...