ListLevel物件的集合,其表示所有清單層級的清單範本,僅層級項目符號或編號清單或其中一個九個層級的大綱編號清單。 註解 使用ListLevels屬性可傳回ListLevels集合。 下列範例會將mytemp變數設定為使用中文件內的第一個清單範本,然後修改每一個階層,讓每一個階層的編號樣式都使用小寫字母。
Set myListTemp = _ ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery).ListTemplates(1) For Each mylevel In myListTemp.ListLevels mylevel.LinkedStyle = "Heading " & mylevel.index Next mylevel 另請參閱ListTemplate 物件支援和意見反應有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反...
Word) (ListLevel.NumberPosition 属性 项目 2023/04/07 6 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 备注 示例 另请参阅 返回或设置的编号或项目符号指定 ListLevel 对象的位置 (以磅为单位)。读/写 单个。 语法 expression。 NumberPosition 表达 返回“ListLevel”对象的表达式。 备注 对于每个列表级别,可设置...
Do not use this API in a production environment. Specifies the number format for the specified list level. TypeScript Копіювати numberFormat: string; Property Value string Remarks [ API set: WordApi BETA (PREVIEW ONLY) ]
Describes an issue that multilevel numbered list changes when you paste list into new document in Word. A workaround is provided.
WdCheckInVersionType WdChevronConvertRule WdCollapseDirection WdColor WdColorIndex WdColumnWidth WdCompareDestination WdCompareTarget WdCompatibility WdCompatibilityMode WdConditionCode WdConstants WdContentControlAppearance WdContentControlDateStorageFormat WdContentControlLevel WdContentControlType WdContinue Wd...
On theHometab, in theParagraphgroup, clickIncrease Indent . Delete items from a list Select the items that you want to delete. Press DELETE. Stop a bulleted or numbered list Do one of the following: At the end of the bulleted or numbered list, press RETURN t...
Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by ...
TopLevelControl 获取没有另一个 Windows 窗体控件作为其父级的父控件。 通常,这是控件所在的最外面的 Form。 (继承自 Control) UseCustomTabOffsets 获取或设置一个值,它指示 ListBox 在通过使用 CustomTabOffsets 整数数组绘制字符串时是否识别并展开制表符。 UseTabStops 获取或设置一个值,该值指示 List...
Embalses! - A tool to report water dam level using the U.S. Geological Survey database. TravelMap - A simple way for travelers to create a blog based on a Map. Proper Cloth Shirt Builder - Custom shirt builder. Powerpuff Yourself by Cartoon Networks vNotes - Simple and beautiful notepad ...