2. 使用Iterator的remove()方法 使用Iterator的remove()方法的实现方式如下所示:publicstaticvoidmain(Str...
(1)ListIterator有add()方法,可以向List中添加对象,而Iterator不可以; (2)ListIterator和Iterator都有hasNext()和next()方法,可以实现顺序向后遍历,但是ListIterator有hasPrevious()和previous()方法,可以实现逆向(顺序向前)遍历。Iterator就不可以; (3)ListIterator可以定位当前的索引位置,nextIndex()和previousIndex()...
display(list1.iterator()); display(list2.iterator()); display(set1.iterator()); display(set2.iterator()); } } 通过iterator可以不管集合的类型信息了 (二)ListIterator迭代器 List迭代器继承Iterator,有更强大的功能,但是其有限制条件,它只能用于各种List的访问 ListIterator扩展的功能: 1)双向移动 2)可...
IPersonService.java package com.huawei.service; import java.util.List; import com.huawei.model.Person; public interface IPersonService { /** * 加载全部的person * @return */ List<Person> loadPersons(); } PersonServiceImpl.java package com.huawei.service.impl; import java.util.List; import org...
首先Java中集合框架有两大类,分别是Collection和Map,先来看Collection的父接口——Iterable Iterable Iterable接口很简单,主要是下面两个方法, 这些方法也没什么好研究的,这个类主要是为了生成一个Iterator对象,下面的Iterator才是重头戏 Iterator Iterator就是C/C++中大家很常见的迭代器了,只是个接口,有下面几个方法 ...
Replaces the last element returned by next() or previous() with the specified element (optional operation). Methods declared in interface java.util.Iterator forEachRemainingMethod Detail hasNext boolean hasNext() Returns true if this list iterator has more elements when traversing the list in the ...
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Iterator; public class test { public static void main(String[] str) { ArrayList<String> list_test = new ArrayList<String>(); list_test.add("aaa"); ...
Using theEnumeration, we can only move in the forward direction. It can be slow in the case of very large collections. 3. Java Iterator for Simple Iteration To overcome some of the above disadvantages of theEnumeration, Java introduced thejava.util.Iteratorinterface in JDK1.2.Iteratorcan be us...
+ 1 I recommend using the oracle documentation. Very well described.https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ListIterator.htmlI hope it will help :) 12th Oct 2019, 10:25 AM Daniel (kabura) + 1 Iterator is an object that remember a position in a sequence of elements, and...
copy(In first, In last, Out res); // In和Out分别表示输入和输出迭代器 对容器c<int>可为:(ostream_iterator<int> out_iter(cout);) copy(c.begin(), c.end(), out_iter); 对数组a可以改为:(const int SIZE = 100; float a[SIZE];) ...