在Python中,错误“list is not iterable”实际上是一个误导性的表达,因为通常列表(list)在Python中是可迭代的(iterable)。然而,这个错误更可能是由于在代码中某个地方错误地将一个非列表(或不可迭代)的对象赋值给了预期为列表的变量,或者是在进行迭代操作时错误地引用了该变量。 分析可能导致该错误的原因 变量类型...
Python写循环程序的时候遇到 TypeError: ‘int’ object is not iterable,原因是循环中使用的应该是一组数。
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I need some help in my code .. the error is "TypeError: 'NormalizedLandmarkList' object is not iterable" my code is import mediapipe as mp import numpy as np import math cap= cv2.VideoCapture(0) mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils mp...
if not isinstance(l, list): res.append(l) else: res.extend(spread_list(l)) return res 2016-10-20 回复1 张新丰 python cookbookfrom collections import Iterabledef flatten(items,ignore_types=(str,bytes)): for x in items: if isinstance(x,Iterable) and not isinstance(x,ignore_type...
老师,代码报错TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable 928 0 3 8-1节/course/list报错'Page' object is not iterable 2396 1 3 TypeError: 'int' object is not callable 1229 0 3 fileSystem.statSync is not a function 1426 1 4 'classobj' object is not iterable 1565 1 5 ...
python之类型错误 : 'float' object is not iterable trying to annotate an arrow from a list 我正在尝试注释从列表列表的 XY 坐标派生的箭头。我可以让绘图在某个点显示注释,但当我尝试在两个 XY 坐标之间添加箭头时,出现类型错误:'float'对象不可迭代。
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable ``` 需要注意的是,如果输入数据结构为NoneType,tolist函数会抛出异常TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable。 2. 转换嵌套的数据结构 当需要将嵌套的数据结构转换成列表时,需要先将内部的嵌套数据结构分别转换成列表,再将它们组装成一个新的列表,如下所示: ...
I need some help with this code..., the error is "TypeError: 'NormalizedLandmarkList' object is not iterable mediapipe". In the 19th line of the code. import cv2 import mediapipe as mp mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils mp_hands = mp.solutions.holistic hands = mp_hands.Holistic...
ArrayStoreException- if the runtime type of the specified array is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in this list NullPointerException- if the specified array is null add boolean add(Ee) Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation). ...