ORACLE处理组合索引含有in条件时,对于in条件列是索引非前导列,也会考虑选择性: 1)如果前导列选择性很好,后面的列条件是in,可能index access只有前导列,in的作为index filter,这时候不用inlist iterator算子。 2)如果前导列选择性不好,则会调用inlist iterator算子,转为多个索引区间扫描,这样in条件也会index acce...
1. in如何与list绑定: 一个带in子查询的语句相信对很多人来说都是司空见惯了的,例如:「select * from normaltbl_ora where pk in (1,2,3,4)」、「select * from normaltbl_ora where name in (“manhong”,”yihuan”,”gongyangyu”,”yaolingling”) 」。但是如果in的查询字段上没有建立索引或者无...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于oracle sql in list的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及oracle sql in list问答内容。更多oracle sql in list相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
1.SQL*PLUS定义,它是一个由ORACLE开发的、能够运行SQL语句的环境,它也是提供了一种连接数据库的直接运行方式。 2.SQL*PLUS特征 它是一个client应用工具。如命令行SQL*PLUS、Oracle中的SQL*PLUS 或iSQL*PLUS他们都能够与数据库管理系统直接通信。 3.假设出现以下界面,就是SQL*PLUS环境。例如以下图: 四、显示表...
VirtualApplication Virtual application in an app. VirtualDirectory Directory for virtual application. WebAppCollection Collection of App Service apps. ApiDefinitionInfo Information about the formal API definition for the app. Expand table NameTypeDescription url string The URL of the API definition. Api...
maxTillageDepth 测量的最大耕作深度 (非独占) 。 maxTillagePressure 对耕作施加的最大压力可实现 (包容性) 。 minArea 应用操作的最小区域 (非独占) 。 minCreatedDateTime 资源(非独占) 的最小创建日期。 minLastModifiedDateTime 资源((含) )的最小上次修改日期。 minOperationEndDat...
A user process that needs free space can look in the master free list of blocks that contain free space. If the master free list does not contain a block with enough space to accommodate the user process, Oracle allocates a new extent. ...
Show all tables in the Oracle Database To showall tablesin the entire Oracle Database, you query from thedba_tablesview as follows: SELECTtable_nameFROMdba_tables;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) You will get the following error message if you don’t have access to thedba...
Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms As per 12c documentation and new features "Creating Multiple Indexes on the Same Set of Columns" is possible when the indexes are different in some way see the following...
The following table lists the errors that may occur while executing various batches in the transaction feed management process. It also indicates how you can resolve these errors. Batch Name Message ...