* http://titancronus.com/blog/2014/05/01/salesforce-acquiring-dependent-picklists-in-apex/ */ public class DepPickListCtrl { public static Map<String,List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>> GetDependentOptions(String pObjName, String pControllingFieldName, String pDependentFieldName){ Map<String...
salesforce portfolio agentforce ai agents that take action for you best-in-class crm apps customer 360 for sales, service, and more unified customer data data cloud, integrations, analytics low code, customizable platform automations, prompts, models, code, and more foundations key customer 360 ...
apex:emailPublisher apex:enhancedList apex:facet apex:flash apex:form apex:gaugeSeries apex:iframe apex:image apex:include apex:includeScript apex:inlineEditSupport apex:input apex:inputCheckbox apex:inputField apex:inputFile apex:inputHidden apex:inputSecret apex:inputText apex:inputTextarea apex:inser...
salesforce 零基础学习(六十二)获取sObject中类型为Picklist的field values(含record type)写过关于读取中间页面获取含Record Type的Picklist field Values,是不是也可以将中间页面写两个apex:inputField设置级联关系,通过参数将需要读取的内容获取出来,从而实现需求? 1.PicklistParserController作为中间页的Controller,获取...
<apex:pageBlockTable>es un componente de iteración que genera una tabla de datos completa con estilo de plataforma. Esto es lo que sucederá en el marcado de la tabla. El atributo value (valor) de<apex:pageBlockTable>se establece como la variable cargada por el controlador...
As you learned in Apex Basics for Admins, a loop is a block of code that is repeated until a specified condition is met. Loops allow you to do a task over and over again. Apex has three types of loops. You’ve used thewhileanddo-whileloops already. ...
/* eslint-disable no-console */import{LightningElement,wire,track}from'lwc';importgetContactListfrom'@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContactList';exportdefaultclassEventWithDataextendsLightningElement{@track selectedContact;@wire(getContactList)contacts;handleSelect(event){constcontactId=event.detail;...
Salesforce to Github- Github API client in Apex for Force.com Apex UML Digram Maker- Create UML diagrams from Apex code using the Tooling API SfApexDoc- A full-featured Apex documentation generator, similar to JavaDoc. Visualforce TableGrid- TableGrid is a free, open-source Force.com library...
See Advanced Apex Programming in Salesforce for explanation. String compare is case-insensitive (except when it's not) String x = 'Abc'; String y = 'abc'; System.assert(x == y); System.assertEquals(x, y); // ! Expected: Abc, Actual: abc See explanation on StackExchange Object equals...