Also known as Blood In Blood Out, this gritty crime drama delves into the complex world of gang life in the 1980s Chicano community of East Los Angeles. The film offers an eye-opening and often brutal depiction of the violence, loyalty, and brotherhood that characterized this ...
There Will Be Blood Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O'Connor 747 votes Running Time: 2 hr. 38 min. Set amidst the rugged American West landscape, There Will Be Blood unfolds as a historical drama of epic proportions. At its core is Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis), a silve...
Hell Is Others gives PvPvE extraction shooters the top-down treatment while adding a bit of horror to top things off. Your apartment acts as a safe haven that you can decorate or use to literally grow ammo through blood-thirsty plants, while the world outside hosts all manners of hostile ...
Aglaophotis Silent Hill A red, blood-like liquid used in exorcism taken from the plant of the same name (see Aglaophotis). Base to make White Claudia. Alkadexabenzathera-podazalamide How to Murder Your Wife Also known in the movie as "goof balls" which, when taken in combination wi...
Disney Channel announced that The Owl House would release a series of five short episodes known as Owl Pellets on Disney Channel's YouTube channel and on the DisneyNOW app. The shorts first premiered on April 4, 2020 with "Welcome to Hexside", although "Eda's Cursed Brush" was released...
Agents of vengeance, implacable and unstoppable, they do not rest until the crimes they seek to punish are washed clean with blood. It is to them Lyta Hall turns when her baby, Daniel, is taken from her, and it is Dream of the Endless who becomes their target. But behind a mother’s...
Set in the 1980s against the backdrop of a swiftly gentrifying Manhattan, The Lost Language of Cranes tells the story of twenty-five-year-old Philip, who realizes he must come out to his parents after falling in love for the first time with a man. Philip’s parents are facing their own...
English woman, but he’s forced to signal Askeladd’s crew to invade her village anyway. As her people are slaughtered, the woman looks into Thorfinn’s eyes and sees that he has resigned himself to the path of blood for the sake of revenge. But will it really be worth it in the ...
five years after he got sober, and two years after there was a baby on the way, here are some of the words his tenor lets fly. Over the tolling guitars of "White Man's World": "There's no such thing as someone else's war / Your creature comforts aren't the only things worth ...
Five Nights at Freddy’s VR Help Wanted Warhammer: Chaosbane Layers of Fear 2 Super Cane Magic ZERO Heroine of the Sniper SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest Blood will be Spilled Draugen Delta Squad Between the Stars Railroad Corporation Conglomerate 451 Rescue HQ – The Tycoon Mr.Hack Jack: Robot Det...