-a显示包括隐藏文件(该文件常以点开头) 1[root@localhost ~]$ls-l2总用量43-rw---.1root root12415月813:40anaconda-ks.cfg4drwxr-xr-x.2root root235月817:47mybash5[root@localhost ~]$ls-lhd6dr-xr-x---.3root root1655月915:42.7[root@localhost ~]$ls-lh8总用量4.0K9-rw---.1root root...
As Linux users, we frequently interact with the file systems. One of the common tasks is to list the files and sort them according to their size. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the various ways to achieve this. 2. Using theduandsortCommands ...
If you want to display the result in ascending order and show bigger files at the bottom and smaller files at the top, you can use the command option -r with the ls -lhSr command. $ ls -lhSr If you want to get the list of 10 biggest files in a directory, you can use the foll...
This option recursively lists all files and subdirectories, meaning it shows the contents of each directory and its nested directories in sequence. To display additional information on the directory tree, such as the file owner, size, and date and time of the last modification, type: ls -lRCo...
The best thing about the Linux command line is that you can combine various commands and get a different result. Let's say you want to see some of the largest files in the current directory. Sort the files by size and then use the pipe redirection with the head command. ...
cve:Linux 软件漏洞 sys:Windows 系统漏洞 cms:Web-CMS 漏洞 app:应用漏洞(web 扫描器) emg:应急漏洞 sca:应用漏洞(软件成分分析) cve Uuids string 否 要查询漏洞的服务器的 UUID,多个 UUID 之间使用半角逗号(,)分隔。 说明 您可以调用DescribeCloudCenterInstances接口获取该参数。
linuxFxVersion string Linux App Framework and version loadBalancing SiteLoadBalancing Site load balancing. localMySqlEnabled boolean False true to enable local MySQL; otherwise, false. logsDirectorySizeLimit integer HTTP logs directory size limit. machineKey SiteMachineKey Site MachineKey. managedP...
WithLinuxDiskSource Disk.DefinitionStages.WithLogicalSectorSize Disk.DefinitionStages.WithOSDiskFromImage Disk.DefinitionStages.WithSku Disk.DefinitionStages.WithStorageAccount Disk.DefinitionStages.WithWindowsDiskSource Disk.Update Disk.UpdateStages Disk.UpdateStages.WithDiskEncryption Disk.UpdateStages.With...
p: directory name. s: file size. t: file type. This sorts all directories before other files. v: file name as version numbers (sorts "2" before "10"). Filter expressions lrfilters are given by the following EBNF: <expr> ::= <expr> || <expr> -- disjunction ...
PageSize integer 否 设置分页查询时,每页显示的漏洞信息的数量。默认值为 10,表示每页显示 10 条漏洞信息。 20 AttachTypes string 否 查询应用漏洞时的附加漏洞类型。该参数固定取值为 sca。查询应用漏洞(即 Type 设置为 app)时需要设置该参数。 说明 如果该参数设置为 sca,可查询应用漏洞(app 类型)及软件成分...