FTP_HOST = "ftp.ed.ac.uk" FTP_USER = "anonymous" FTP_PASS = "" CopyBelow are utility functions that will help us later print our list of files and directories:# some utility functions that we gonna need def get_size_format(n, suffix="B"): # converts bytes to scaled format (e....
Best FTP Manager for Mac – Commander One ⭐ Commander Oneis a multi-tab, dual-pane file manager with Mac FTP client features. In addition to file and server browsing, it has a built-in process manager, and can also mount cloud drives or MTP devices, show hidden files, enable root ac...
parvardegr/sharing - Sharing is a command-line tool to share directories and files from the CLI to iOS and Android devices without the need of an extra client app SurviveSJTU/SJTU-Application - https://survivesjtu.github.io/SJTU-Application/#/ zjyl1994/lazydogocr - OCR in browser use Tesser...
List FTP files and directoriesChris Stubben
tempfile: Generate temporary files and directories glob: Unix style pathname pattern expansion Date and time management Date and time management modules provide tools for working with temporal data, timestamps, and calendars in Python applications. These modules offer precise control over time related ...
muesli/go-app-paths - Lets you retrieve platform-specific paths (like directories for app-data, cache, config, and logs) [MIT License] (⭐️215) muesli/mango - mango is a man-page generator for the Go flag, pflag, cobra, coral, and kong packages [MIT License] (⭐️259) muesli...
Virtual application in an app. Expand table NameTypeDescription physicalPath string Physical path. preloadEnabled boolean true if preloading is enabled; otherwise, false. virtualDirectories VirtualDirectory[] Virtual directories for virtual application. virtualPath string Virtual path. VirtualDirectory Ob...
preloadEnabled boolean 如果启用了预加载,true;否则,false。 virtualDirectories VirtualDirectory[] 虚拟应用程序的虚拟目录。 virtualPath string 虚拟路径。 VirtualDirectory Object 虚拟应用程序的目录。 展开表 名称类型说明 physicalPath string 物理路径。 virtualPath string 虚拟应用程序的路径。本文...
ftp-spider 1.0 FTP investigation tool - Scans ftp server for the following: reveal entire directory tree structures, detect anonymous access, detect directories with write permissions, find user specified data within repository. blackarch-scanner HomePage ftpmap 52.cbeabbe Scans remote FTP servers to ...
using (Ftp client = new Ftp()) { client.Connect("ftp.example.org"); client.Login("user", "password"); client.ChangeFolder("reports"); List<FtpItem> items = client.GetList(); foreach (FtpItem item in items) { Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", item.Name); Console.WriteLine("Size: ...