To list backups of a tablespace use the LIST BACKUP OF TABLESPACE command. For example: RMAN> LIST BACKUP OF TABLESPACE USERS; Incarnations The LIST INCARNATION command shows the incarnations of the database. Note that multiple incarnations may share the same database ID. RMAN> LIST INCARNATION;...
Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information in the RMANrepository can be listed?() A. stored scripts in the recovery catalog B. backups that can be deleted from disk C. backup sets and image copies are obsolete D. backups that do not have the AV...
Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information from the RMAN repository can be listed?() A. Stored scripts in the recovery catalog B. ckups that can be deleted from disk C. Backup sets and images copies that are obsolete D. Backups that...
参考解析: 在Recovery Manager (RMAN)中,使用LIST命令时,可以列出RMAN资料库中的存储脚本(stored scripts in the recovery catalog)以及在RMAN资料库中不具有AVAILABLE状态的备份(backups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository RMAN),所以AD选项正确。 AI解析 重新生成最新...
RMAN> run { startup mount force; set until scn 1400138; restore database; recover database; alter database open resetlogs; } 查看数据,发现还原成功 SQL> select * from test; CUR_SCN --- 1400123 1400126 1400129 1400132 1400135 查看以下incarnation...
DIGITAL Command LanguageNameDescriptionAuthorStars 1 dmca Repository with text of DMCA takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. Users identified in the notices are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Additional information about ...
bartobri/no-more-secrets - A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers. juho-p/fatty - Tabbed terminal for Cygwin based on mintty FiloSottile/otherport - LD_PRELOAD hack to redirect connections to other ports yongboy/bindp - Binding...
6)Restore the cross-platform backup set on the destination system using an RMAN command that includes the pamapump clause 7)Import the UNIVERSIRY tablespace metadata using IMPDP 8)Make the UNIVERSIRY tablespace read/write on the destination system ...
List of data files in backup set ... 表2-11を参照してください 表2-10 バックアップ・ピースのリスト(ピースが1つのみのセットの場合) 列内容 BP Key リカバリ・カタログまたはターゲット・データベース制御ファイルにあるバックアップ・ピースの一意の識別子。 RMANがリカ...
The following command performs a crosscheck of all backups. One backup is found to be expired. The example then deletes all expired backups (sample output included). Copy RMAN> CROSSCHECK BACKUP;Copy allocated channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: SID=104 device type=SBT_TAPE...