In the realm of 80s Westerns, Pale Rider stands out as a classic example of the genre, skillfully directed by Clint Eastwood, who also stars in the film. This thrilling story revolves around a mysterious preacher who comes to the aid of a small mining community terrorized by an oppressive...
Released: 2009 Directed by: Clint Eastwood Also ranks #9 on The 50+ Best PG-13 Historical Movies Also ranks #16 on The Best Movies About Helping Others And Community Also ranks #17 on The Best Athlete Biopics 82 The Long Walk Home Sissy Spacek, Whoopi Goldberg, Dwight Schultz 43 votes ...
Thu, Sep 9, 2021 From Westerns to love stories to crime dramas, these are movies that give audiences the unique pleasure of seeing Eastwood excel as a storyteller, producer and actor. No one has done it better. Rate Contribute to this page ...
It is no longer only Clint Eastwood who runs the game, it has become a genre with many new players, and with many new innovative plays on the genre. Comedies have realized the potential of the almost silly seriousness of these tough cowboys, and even horror filmmakers see opportunities for ...
Clint Eastwood's The Outlaw Josey Wales -- one of my favorite, favorite films. I don't know what it is about The Outlaw Josey Wales that sticks... Oh, I do know what it is: it's the relationship with Chief Dan George. The narration, as it were, of Chief Dan George in that mov...
Clint Eastwood's 1992 Oscar-winner examines the mythic violence of the Western, taking on the ghosts of his own star past. Hannah And Her Sisters - 1986 "We try to organize our lives according to what we have read and learned and believed in, but our plans are lost in a tumult of em...
Ennio Morricone (Film Composer): This guy is THE MASTER. He has composed and arranged scores for more than 500 film and television productions. It began with the Sergio Leone/Clint Eastwood Spaghetti WesternsA Fistful of Dollars,For a Few Dollars More, andThe Good, The Bad and The Uglyand...
Followed by Frank Capra, Akira Kurosawa, Ridley Scott, and especially Clint Eastwood who seemed to have produced some of his best work near the end of his decades long career. And another name on that list is, obviously, Steven Spielberg. Now, yes, he's may have had a couple of not...
Clint Eastwood – the iconic actor in Westerns and director David Arquette – American actor known for taking more comedic roles Doris Day – American actress, singer, and animal welfare activist Elvis Presley – American actor and singer and the King of Rock and Roll ...
people would be critical of people who could do more than one thing. There weren’t a lot of actors who were writing, directing, and producing, especially women. Clint Eastwood was one of them. I was always in awe of him. I was like, “I want to be like Clint Eastwood.” So...