Difficult life circumstances during childhood:The early loss of a parent, poverty,bullying, witnessing parental violence; being the victim of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse or of physical or emotional neglect; and insecure attachment have all been associated with the development of schizophreniaas...
Difficult life circumstances during childhood:The early loss of a parent, poverty,bullying, witnessing parental violence; being the victim of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse or of physical or emotional neglect; and insecure attachment have all been associated with the development of schizophreniaas...
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is native to Europe and Northern Asia and has been used for millennia for headaches, anxiety, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, irritable bowel, menstrual cramps, epilepsy, and childhood behavior problems....
He advocated for government myopia control policies and strategies based on the first 10-year cohort in children worldwide and research on interventions, contributing to myopia reduction in China and sharing experience with other countries facing childhood myopia rise. 4、他作为全国防盲技术指导组的组长...
Varicella (the herpes virus that causes chickenpox during childhood and shingles [herpes zoster] in adulthood): 345, 668, 716, 738 Variola (also known as smallpox, an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters): 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644...
Early Childhood Education (4) Ethics (4) more... Human Migration (4) Social Work (4) Sustainable Development (4) Educational Administration (3) Health Policy & Medical Law (3) Law (3) Sociology (3) Special Education (3) Urban Studies & Planning (3) Anthropology (2) ...
An Integrated Approach to Common Childhood Diseases and Developmental Disorders in India from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Intellectual Property Disputes: Court Practices and Enforcement from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Logistics & Supply Chain Management from Indian Institute of Tech...
Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge of symptoms, treatments and more on common diseases and conditions with quizzes on RxList.com.
Difficult life circumstances during childhood:The early loss of a parent, poverty,bullying, witnessing parental violence; being the victim of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse or of physical or emotional neglect; and insecure attachment have all been associated with the development of schizophreniaas...
Difficult life circumstances during childhood:The early loss of a parent, poverty,bullying, witnessing parental violence; being the victim of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse or of physical or emotional neglect; and insecure attachment have all been associated with the development of schizophreniaas...