pyrogram/tgcrypto - Fast and Portable Cryptography Extension Library for Pyrogram haiwen/seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features. FFmpeg/FFmpeg - Mirror of ex...
cameras, and smart tools Airalo lets you to purchase eSim Cards right away for basically any country in the world. Super easy way to get internet anywhere. Oh and obviously
Meka - An open source implementation of methods for multi-label classification and evaluation (extension to Weka). License: GNU. Neuroph - Neuroph is lightweight Java neural network framework. License: Apache 2. rapaio - statistics, data mining and machine learning toolbox in Java. License:...
LinkLabel.Link LinkLabel.LinkCollection LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler LinkState ListBindingConverter ListBindingHelper ListBox ListBox Constructors Fields Properties Methods Events ListBox.IntegerCollection ListBox.ObjectCollection ListBox.SelectedIndexCollection ListBox.SelectedObject...
Meka - An open source implementation of methods for multi-label classification and evaluation (extension to Weka). MLlib in Apache Spark - Distributed machine learning library in Spark. Hydrosphere Mist - a service for deployment Apache Spark MLLib machine learning models as realtime, batch or re...
Setting a visual property only has an effect if that property is both present in the control's default template and is set by using a TemplateBinding. You can find a list of visual properties in the Changing the Visual Structure of a Control section in the Customizing the Appearance of an ...
NodeLabelEditEventArgs NodeLabelEditEventHandler NotifyIcon NumericUpDown NumericUpDownAcceleration NumericUpDownAccelerationCollection OpacityConverter OpenFileDialog Orientation OSFeature OwnerDrawPropertyBag Padding PaddingConverter PageSetupDialog PaintEventArgs PaintEventHandler Panel PictureBox PictureBoxSizeMode PopupEve...
NodeLabelEditEventArgs NodeLabelEditEventHandler NotifyIcon NumericUpDown NumericUpDownAcceleration NumericUpDownAccelerationCollection OpacityConverter OpenFileDialog Orientation OSFeature OwnerDrawPropertyBag Padding PaddingConverter PageSetupDialog PaintEventArgs PaintEventHandler Panel PictureBox PictureBoxSizeMode PopupEve...
Share, sensitivity labels appear below the name of the item to let you know the security level of the item. Hover over a sensitivity label to learn more about it, orlearn more about sensitivity labels and how to change them. Sharing outside of your organization ...
NodeLabelEditEventArgs NodeLabelEditEventHandler NotifyIcon NumericUpDown NumericUpDownAcceleration NumericUpDownAccelerationCollection OpacityConverter OpenFileDialog Orientation OSFeature OwnerDrawPropertyBag Padding PaddingConverter PageSetupDialog PaintEventArgs PaintEventHandler Panel PictureBox PictureBoxSizeMode PopupEve...