On 02/07/2024 13:28, Jean-Paul Rehr rehrjb@xxxxxxxxx wrote: > >Or can the outer div appear at any level/with any nesting and parent > container? > > The fragments I pass to the transformer always start with . > > But toB explain the larger context: > > These &l . . . Read...
For you to truly learn from a pattern, the pattern has to document why the problem is difficult to solve, consider possible solutions that in fact don't work well, and explain why the solution offered is the best available. Likewise, the patterns need to connect to each other so as to ...
How do tests and TDD influence code design? DRY violation Write a snippet of code violating the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. Then, explain why it is a bad design, and fix it. Cohesion vs Coupling What's the difference between cohesion and coupling? Refactoring What is refactoring...
Explain the linux boot process (detailed) A process on the system can no longer log files, how would you debug? How can I check if a Linux system is healthy? What happens when you type "ls" or "cd" into a terminal? (go deep and talk about what happens behind the scenes - kernel...
How many ways can an argument be passed to a subroutine and explain them?- An argument can be passed in two ways. They are passing by value and passing by reference. Passing by value: This method copies the value of an argument into the formal parameter of the subroutine. Passing by ref...
I need something like this, if the user opts for searching the Java Development tools in my machine, my program should do a search of the JDK or any other tools available for java and should list the availability automatically, Hope you got the real idea now. ...
DB2_Universal_Database_Visual_Explain_Tutoria.rar http://reeboo.iteye.com/blog/265447 性能是数据库应用的永恒话题,也是衡量一个项目成功与否的重要指标。但是,想让系统达到最优性能从来就不是一件简单的任务,需要涉及很多方面的知识。为了帮助大家更好地完成性能调优任务,我们特地将与 DB2 性能调优相关的资源...
you may also get an offline MD5 Cracker and paste the hash there like DECRYPT.V2 Brute-Force MD5 Cracker http://www.freewarecorner.de/download.php?id=7298 http://www.freewarecorner.de/edecrypt_brute_force_md5_cracker-Download-7298.html Tools === 'Regular Expression Renamer' With is you...
In this tutorial, we’re going to explain how to find the middle element of a linked list in Java. We’ll introduce the main problems in the next sections, and we’ll show different approaches to solving them. 2. Keeping Track of the Size ...
I had a mystery error where WSL was terminating immediately on startup regardless ofwsl.exeflags, and updating to WSL through the Store fixed it, so now I'm stuck needing to fix the UtilTranslatePathList problem. The error (caused by SMB network drives being added to PATH thruVolatile Envi...