Hey there, I'm getting the following error when executing the following query with node-oracledb: SELECT OBJECT_NAME FROM ALL_OBJECTS || '@' || :db WHERE OWNER = :schema AND ( OBJECT_TYPE = ''TABLE'' OR OBJECT_TYPE = ''VIEW'' OR OBJECT_T...
So that i can easily know the dependency between two tables. Thanks a lot people. If anybody writes this query i would be very grateful to themNavigate: Previous Message• Next Message Options: Reply• Quote Subject Written By Posted list all the tables in a schema in order of ...
The easiest way to find all tables in SQL is to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views. You do this by specifying the information schema, then the “tables” view. Here’s an example. SELECTtable_name,table_schema,table_typeFROMinformation_schema.tablesORDERBYtable_nameASC; This will show the n...
Delete data from all tables in a schema Delete data in Excel using Openrowset? Delete from Where Exists DELETE From with sub query delete large number of rows without growing the transaction log Delete Query is Performing too slow with around 6 million records to delete DELETE RECORDS FROM V...
ManagedDatabaseTablesGetOptionalParams ManagedDatabaseTablesGetResponse ManagedDatabaseTablesListBySchemaNextOptionalParams ManagedDatabaseTablesListBySchemaNextResponse ManagedDatabaseTablesListBySchemaOptionalParams ManagedDatabaseTablesListBySchemaResponse ManagedDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption M...
schema_name - table schema name table_name - table name constraint_name - table's PK constraint name columns - list of table's PK columns separated with ',' status - table's PK status (ENABLED / DISABLED) Rows One row represents one table in a database Scope of rows: all tables and...
SqlPoolTablesListBySchemaNextResponse SqlPoolTablesListBySchemaOptionalParams SqlPoolTablesListBySchemaResponse SqlPoolTransparentDataEncryptions SqlPoolTransparentDataEncryptionsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams SqlPoolTransparentDataEncryptionsCreateOrUpdateResponse SqlPoolTransparentDataEncryptionsGetOptionalParams Sq...
在使用 Flink CDC 从 Oracle 中读取数据时,schemaList 是指要读取的 Oracle 的 schema 列表。这个列表...
"The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized" "Typewriter" like effect in a C# Console applica...
The above list all tables in the current schema that you are logged on to. If you want all tables that exist on the database server then you need to do the following: SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables WHERE OWNER <> 'SYS' AND OWNER <> 'SYSTEM' This will list all data...