Service: CDN API Version: 2024-02-01 Lists all of the existing origins within an endpoint. HTTP Copy Try It GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/endpoints/{endpointName}/origins?api-...
GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints?api-version=2024-05-01 URI Parameters Expand table NameInRequiredTypeDescription resourceGroupName path True string The name of the resource group. subscriptio...
For our Flask Apps, we usually are creating several different blueprints. Recently, we have integrated flask_restx so we can add documentation. As part of the REST API's we are creating, it would be nice to dynamically get all the Swagge...
public ListEndpointsRequest()Method Detail setNamePrefix public void setNamePrefix(String namePrefix) A value that will return a subset of the endpoints associated with this account. For example, "NamePrefix": "ABC" will return all endpoints with "ABC" in the name. Parameters: name...
POST https://{site_url}/_api/web/lists Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose" Content-Type: "application/json" Content-Length: {length of request body as integer} X-RequestDigest: "{form_digest_value}" { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.List" },...
, 所以客户端拿到的是全量 ciliumendpoints 数据。 一种资源的全量数据可能是比较大的,需要考虑清楚是否真的需要全量数据。后文会介绍定量测量与分析方法。 LIST api/v1/pods?filedSelector=spec.nodeName%3Dnode1 这个请求是获取 node1 上的所有 pods(%3D ...
LIST api/v1/pods?filedSelector=spec.nodeName%3Dnode1&resourceVersion=0 跟2 的区别是加上了resourceVersion=0,因此 apiserver 会从缓存读数据,性能会有量级的提升。 但要注意,虽然实际上返回给客户端的可能只有几百 KB 到上百 MB(取决于 node 上 pod 的数量、pod 上 ...
GET https://{site_url}/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Test')/items({item_id}) Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose" The following XML shows an example of the list item properties that are returned when you request the XML content type.xml...
The maximum number of endpoints that you want to return. String getNextToken() The token passed by previous API calls until all requested endpoints are returned. int hashCode() void setAppInstanceUserArn(String appInstanceUserArn) The ARN of the AppInstanceU...
Array of io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodReadinessGate objects If specified, all readiness gates will be evaluated for pod readiness. A pod is ready when all its containers are ready AND all conditions specified in the readiness gates have status equal to "True" More info: