代码示例2 # Get pods in default namespace kubectl get pods #Get Pods in my-namespace kubectl get pods -n my-namespace #Get Pods in all namespaces kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
I make a lot of clusters and then I forget which ones I have. I could do kubectl config view but that is a lot of spew. I could do kubectl config view --minify but that only shows the current context. I'd like: $ kubectl config list-clus...
As a user performing kubectl get all I expect to see all objects in the current context, including limits. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): kubectl create namespace tmp kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/memory-defaults.yaml --namespa...
kubectl config use-context – Set the default context. kubectl api-resources – List the API resources that are available. kubectl api-versions – List the API versions that are available. kubectl get all --all-namespaces 4、Daemonsets 相关 kubectl get daemonset – List one or more daemonsets...
kubectl: 1.12.2-00 kubelet: 1.12.2-00 kubernetes: v1.12.2 dashboard: v1.10.0 weave: 2.5.0 pause: 3.1 coredns: 1.2.2 etcd: 3.2.24 注:需要在每台服务(所有的 master 和 worker 节点)器上安装: docker kubeadm kubelet kubectl 安装Docker ...
kubectl list context 是Kubernetes 命令行工具中用于列出可用上下文的命令。它可以让你在多个 Kubernetes 集群之间快速切换,而不需要每次都手动设置。本文将为您介绍如何使用该命令以及了解其语法和选项。 语法 命令的语法如下: kubectl config get-contexts 复制 这将输出一个表格,其中包含了所有可用的上下文环境。每个上...
对于非结构化的数据存储系统来说,LIST 操作通常都是非常重量级的,不仅占用大量的 磁盘 IO、网络带宽和 CPU,而且会影响同时间段的其他请求(尤其是响应延迟要求极高的 选主请求),是集群稳定性的一大杀手。 例如,对于 Ceph 对象存储来说,每个 LIST bucket 请求都需要去多个磁盘中捞出这个 bucket 的全部数据;不仅自身...
// else 逻辑:如果执行到这里,说明没有从 context 中拿到过滤用的 key,则 fallback 到下面拿全量数据再过滤 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. e.Storage 是一个 Interface, // staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/interfaces.go // Interface offers a common interface for object marshaling/unma...
//else逻辑:如果执行到这里,说明没有从 context 中拿到过滤用的 key,则 fallback 到下面拿全量数据再过滤 } e.Storage 是一个 Interface, // staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/interfaces.go // Interface offers a common interfaceforobject marshaling/unmarshaling operations and ...
kubectl config current-context Set a cluster entry in kubeconfig: kubectl config set-cluster [cluster-name] --server=[server-name] Unset an entry in kubeconfig: kubectl config unset [property-name] Printing Container Logs To print logs from containers in a pod, use thekubectl logscommand. ...