This would have been a five star read for me, but there was a chapter near the end that felt unbelievable and far too over the top. Until that point you could choose to believe what you believed; whether there had been simple accidents on a steep and narrow staircase and overactive imag...
‘When one is fat, there are certain things you should not do in public…you should not eat chicken legs- or wear a short hairpiece’ Aarti’s delivery rivals Ricky Gervais. Or any other comic of the moment. And she’s beautiful. Even without working to be less weighty. Which brings ...
Lisa is off to North America, and has left me (Dan) behind with really one task – take care of the cats. This isn’t really too hard; they need fed and watered (mostly Lisa’s job, but I do it too), litter box needs to be kept clean (my specialty), and the water fountain ...
I am fortunate enough to not have needed more serious surgery or a hospital stay yet, but from what I have heard it is similarly cheap (never heard of a bill exceeding $500USD or so, even for baby delivery!) A Word on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM...
somewhat of a late mother, maybe even a reluctant mother. I was a terrible chicken where childbirth was concerned. I had not rushed into having a child. The fear of having to have a Caesarean kept me back. Now my baby was trying to come out through my back and I had no choice but...
The aromas from the twice daily homemade biscuits she taught me to make and I’ll never duplicate, the fried chicken cooked thoroughly every Sunday, the pickles canned each summer, and the cakes Margie crafted on weekends when she was home seeped into the pores of the cabinets Grandpa custom...