Liquids on the surface of solids; Index.doi:10.1038/147659c0A. N. KAt The University PressNatureR. S. Burdon. Surface Tension and the Spreading of Liquids. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Great Britain, 1949.Burdon , R. S.: Surface Tension and the Spreading of Liquids. Cambridge: ...
ISO19403-3:2024ENPaintsandvarnishes—Wettability—Part3:Determinationofthesurfacetensionofliquidsusingthependantdropmethod是关于涂料和清漆润湿性的一个标准,其中涉及使用悬滴法测定液体的表面张力。 2.标准的范围: 该标准适用于各种涂料和清漆,包括水性、溶剂性和粉末涂料等。它适用于各种液体,如水、有机溶剂、油等...
Surface tension is an important parameter for different industrial processes. The addition of surfactants can modify the interfacial tension between two fluids. As the surfactant molecules reach and are adsorbed at a fluid interface, the... A Cortesestrada,L Ibarrabracamontes,A Aguilarcorona,... -...
LIQUIDS/surface tensionNot Availabledoi:10.1038/160166a0GURNEYCNatureGURNEY C.Surface tension in liquid[J].Nature,1947,160:166-167.GURNEY C.Surface tension in liquid. Nature . 1947Surface tension in liquids. GURNEY C. Nature . 1947GURNEY C.Surface tension in liquid.Nature. 1947...
Surface Tension of Pure Liquids and Binary Liquid Mixtures 作者:Wohlfarth, Christian; Wohlfarth, C.; Lechner, Manfred Dieter 页数:103 ISBN:9783540755074 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到
Surface tension reduction with n,n,n'-trialkyl ureas This invention provides water-based compositions, particularly coating, ink, adhesive, fountain solution, agricultural and photoresist developer compositions, manifesting reduced equilibrium and dynamic surface tension by the incorporati... LASSILA, KEVI...
aKeywords: Ionic liquids; Review; Density; Viscosity; Surface tension; Liquid–liquid equilibria; Gas solubility; Quantum chemical calculations; Theory 主题词: 离子液体; 回顾; 密度; 黏度; 表面张力; 液体液体平衡; 气体可溶性; 量子化学制品演算; 理论[translate]...
Interfacial tension between the synthetic immiscible liquids decreases with increasing temperature from 16.4 ± 3.1 mN/m at 1500 °C to 7.8 ± 1.1 mN/m at 1550 °C. Interfacial tension between natural, less compositionally contrasting ferrobasaltic and rhyolitic melts should be even lower by a ...
The surface tension and viscosity of liquids are usually measured using different instruments, which increases the measurement time. This time is often too long for certain biological liquids and solutions. The instrument proposed allows both quantities to be measured quickly with fewer manipulations of...
1 objective (1) to determine the surface tension of ethanol solution with different concentration, and calculate the surface adsorption capacity and the transverse of ethanol molecule Sectional area. (2) to understand the properties of surface tension and the relationship between surface tension and ad...