A description of the liquid rocket engine operating processes as well as the dependence of liquid rocket engine mass on the constructive parameters is proposed. This model description is shown to be more adequate for the representation of the process of thrust control with the help of the ...
Parallel Numerical Simulation of Shear Coaxial LOX/GH2 Jet Flame in Rocket Engine Combustor S. Matsuyama, ... S. Ogawa, in Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006, 2007 1 INTRODUCTION Liquid rocket engines are used in a number of launch vehicles worldwide. In these rocket engines, e.g. LE...
Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of Methane–LOx Combustion To have a better understanding of the liquid rocket engine combustion characteristics, numerical simulations of cryogenic combustion need to be carried out. Transcritical combustion involving methane and liquid oxygen propellant mixture ... K Mishra,MK...
先生-106L22N火箭发动机(MR-106L 22N Rocket Engine) James_Walker 3个月前 液体火箭发动机涡轮泵-3(turbopump-for-liquid-rocket-engine-3) 唯_344 1年前 液体火箭发动机涡轮泵(Turbopump for liquid rocket engine) James_Walker 2个月前 火箭发动机 ...
A high altitude test facility which includes supersonic diffuser and ejector has been developed to simulate atmospheric pressure at 25 km using a 500 N class small scale liquid rocket engine. Also high altitude simulation test for the small scale liquid rocket engine was performed to verify the ...
Under the Eulerian-Lagrangian framework, the liquid trailing phenomenon of a liquid jet in a supersonic crossflow was captured using large eddy simulation (LES) in [33, 34]. Using the CLSVOF method, the breakup process of a pulsed liquid jet in high-speed gas flow was studied in the works...
Nuclear Thermal Rocket Simulation in NPSS 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE joint propulsion conference & exhibit 2013Nuclear Thermal Rocket Simulation in NPSS. Belair M L,Sarmiento C,Lavelle T. AIAA/SAE... ML Belair,CJ Sarmiento,TM Lavelle - Aiaa/asme/sae/asee Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit 被...
It is an important and basic issue to choose monitoring parameters of Liquid propellant Rocket Engine(LRE) monitoring system in ground test. 确定监测参数是液体火箭发动机地面试验监控系统的一个重要而基础的问题。 www.dictall.com 3. Investigation of a general module simulation method for liquid propella...
Overview of Combustion Instabilities in Liquid Rocket Engines - Coupling Mechanisms & Control Techniques 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 70 作者:JW Bennewitz,RA Frederick 摘要: This research investigation encompasses expanded testing of a high frequency combustion instability suppression technique, in which ...
Thetransientandthermalinsulatedanalysisofthepipelinesimulation ofliquidrocketengine GEQingmingWUYan (BeijingAerospacePropulsionInstitute,Beijing100076,China) Abstract:Inordertoensurenormalworkoftheengine,thethermalinsulationoftheengineisneeded.The pipelinethermalenvironmentwasemulatedbythedesignprogramwhichiswrittenbyAPDLla...