TSA carry on restrictions in Defines a service animal as a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability; No longer considers an emotional support animal to be a service animal; Requires airlines to treat psychiatric service animals...
restrictionsoncarryingliquidsbycivilaircraftinMarch 17th"(hereinafterreferredtoasthe"notice"),totake internationalandregionalpassengerflightstoperform"ICAO" theguidingprincipleofmeasuresfortherules,regulations andstraightenoutthedomesticflightpassengerscarrying
Air passengers still confused over liquid restrictions on flightsMurdo MacLeod
♦ My baby needs to drink milk on the flight, how can I do? A:For passengers who carry infants on the flight, there are two suggested ways for you: 1)When purchasing the ticket, please inform the airline that your baby needs to drink milk on the flight, the airline will prepare fo...